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17 Fake Deep Things You Did In High School

No shade, but you were the worst type of person in high school.

1. Called yourself a "loner."

2. Prefered the "classics" over YA novels.

3. Only listened to indie music.

4. Reacted like this EVERY time you watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which was every day.

5. Had a ~private~ Tumblr.

6. Wrote "thought-out" FB posts that looked like this...

7. ...Or just song lyrics that resonated with you.

8. But sometimes you complained about the "controlling grasp" of social media (on social media).

9. Wore ironic t-shirts (mostly about tacos).

10. You also wrote poetry.

11. Write on your Converses.

12. Quoted the one philosopher/"fancy" guy you knew.

13. Wore glasses (with no prescription).

14. You thought Jaden Smith was a trail blazer in society.

If I Had A Nickel For Every Time I've Cried In The Back Of An Uber, I Would Have Another Pair Of Yeezy's.

Jaden Smith / Via twitter.com

...Even though he's literally a fetus.

15. All of your political ideas were only from The Daily Show.

16. All of your photos were of you looking in the opposite direction of the camera.

17. In short, you thought of yourself as "misunderstood," when in actuality, you were very unoriginal.