Bretman Rock Had The Best Response When Asked About The James Charles-Jeffree Star-Tati Scandal


    OK, so you need to know some basic US history to get this post. I'll be brief.

    In one of the biggest YouTube scandals ever, Tati Westbrook "exposed" James Charles in a now-viral video. Then, James responded, de-bunking some of her claims. THEN (!), Tati replied a while later, saying that Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson pressured her to "expose" James. Yeah, it was a lot.

    Tati's video about James drama

    Anyway, we recently caught up with YouTuber Bretman Rock and played a fun game of "Truth or Wine."

    View this video on YouTube

    @BuzzFeedCeleb / Via

    The rules were simple — answer a juicy question or take a sip of wine.

    Bretman playing "Truth or Wine"

    One of the questions was, "Whose side are you on in the James-Tati-Shane-Jeffree saga?" You know, the drama I just referenced above.

    Bretman playing "Truth or Wine"

    And Bretman kinda had a great answer.

    Bretman saying, "Is there a 'I don't give a fuck' option?"

    Yep, he actually couldn't care less about that drama. And we love him for that.

    Bretman playing "Truth or Wine"

    To watch him talk about his new show MTV's Following: Bretman Rock — which is out now — and other things, check out the full video here. Cheers!

    Bretman playing "Truth or Wine"