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8 "Would You Rather" Social Media Situations That Are Impossible To Answer

Get ready for some second-hand embarrassment.

Previously we've asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their most cringeworthy and mortifying social media horror stories. Now we ask you – if one had to happen to you, which one would it be?

The Google Search Gone Wrong:

"I once typed in “Pornhub” as my status update on Facebook. I meant to search for it on Google but somehow screwed it up. I only realized the next morning… So everyone I have ever known now knows what I did on that cold Friday evening." — renierp

The House Party Takeover:

I had a house party a few years ago and accidentally left Facebook open on my laptop… Needless to say I get an angry phone call from my mum saying my grandma had seen my status and was shocked and disgusted. Post in question — 'I have a baggy vagina.' Awks." — katiep4576175d2

The Dolphin Tribute:

"The first time I got off my face stoned, I began fixating on dolphins for some reason. I went on FaceBook and posted a very long post about their majestic beauty, graceful underwater movement, and their good-natured temperament. I deleted the post the next morning. The only line I can remember was 'Dolphins are the golden retrievers of the sea.' Pretty mortifying." — butterflybutts91

The Nazi Maze:

"Once on Facebook I shared what I originally THOUGHT was an innocent maze. Turned out it was a collection of Nazi symbols. Never have I ever deleted something so quickly. I felt so guilty that it has given me FB anxiety and rarely ever go back on." — wobblywombat

The Creepy Error:

"I was hanging out with my best friend who didn't have a Facebook at the time. We were talking shit on the mean girls from high school, and I let her use my phone to creep on their pages. She said she couldn't find them, and I just assumed that they didn't have accounts either. A couple of hours later my sister asked me what was up with my posts on Facebook. It turns out my friend wasn't searching for their pages, she was updating my status with their individual names. So I had a different post for every person she tried to search for. I died a little on the inside that day." – meganw36

The Meme Mistake:

"An acquaintance posted a meme that said something along the lines of 'the right people don’t fit into boxes,' and I swooped in and said 'If you cut off the limbs they do! LOL!! :).' Then I found out the woman who posted it was born without part of her arm or had it amputated when young." — melissas41343c319

The Feature Fuck up:

"When I was in high school, a lot of my friends used Ask.fm and I wanted to join in on the fun. Since the site was anonymous, I felt gutsy and messaged a random guy that I had choir with, saying 'did you know you’re really cute?' To my horror, it turns out I had somehow unselected the anonymous feature so he knew it was me."– beccat4be38db53

The Facebook Fuck Up:

"I don’t know if anyone remembers Ask.fm (a site where you would anonymously ask people questions), but I used to stalk my crush on it mercilessly. It was connected to Facebook, and one time I was stalking him and accidentally shared his Ask.fm profile to my Facebook page without realising. Took about half an hour for my friends to start messaging me asking why I’d done it."– exccles

The Beyoncé Blunder:

"In college, I went to a bar for karaoke night with my friends. We requested a Beyoncé song and were in the queue to go on stage. We wanted more people to sing with us, so I posted on what I THOUGHT was my sorority Facebook page and said something along the lines of, 'Go on stage when Beyoncé comes on bitchesssssss.' It turns out, it was my university’s ‘Class of 2014’ Facebook group with literally almost 1,000 students in it. I was already quite a few drinks deep and couldn’t figure out how to delete it until the morning. So mortifying." — jackiey3

The Carly Clusterfuck:

"I'm part of a uni course Facebook group chat and about a year ago we were in a lecture, and this group of people were being loud and annoying. Anyway i bitched about it to my mates on our group message, but sent the message to the course message group. Everyone part of it (like 300 students) all got a notification of my message saying something along the lines of 'yeah i think that girls name's Carly.' Safe to say she wasn't happy being talked about." – nathanhine96

The DM disaster:

"This didn’t happen to me but it's too good to not share. A friend of mine was talking to a guy that she followed on Instagram. One day he posted a picture of himself, so she DM'd that same picture to him with the heart-eyes emoji. But it turns out she actually DM'd the picture and emoji to another guy she previously talked to. The other guy immediately responded with 'what the fuck??'" – danielleg43d0c3abf

The Screenshot Shame:

"I was stalking this girl me and my friend hate and I took a screenshot of a post and DM’d it to my friend, right? Wrong. I sent it to the girl, along with the caption: 'man that was pretty bitchy amiright? I'm starting to hate her more and more” and she then blocked me."

The Shower Selfie:

"I took pictures in the shower to send to my (now ex) boyfriend, accidentally hit the 'add to story' button, then my phone shut down because the humidity from the shower was too much for it." – ifrubberduckys

The Right Name, Wrong Person:

"I was talking to a guy on Snapchat, and it was getting sort of hot and heavy, so we ended up exchanging nudes. At the same time, I was snapping my out of state childhood friend who has the same name. Basically, I took a tit pic and sent it to the wrong guy. Now my childhood best friend now pics of my boobs. To this day, he’s never lets me forget it, and almost tells our moms the story every time we’re together." — queenofmiddleearth64

The Deodorant Dick:

"It wasn't me, but a friend I'd known since I was a kid accidentally uploaded about 10 pictures of his dick, all at different angles and measuring it to a deodorant can." – c4976b2754

The Camera Cum:

"I was having a little sexting session with someone on Instagram and opened the camera in the DM to send a video of me cumming. Turns out I wasn't in the DMs anymore, I had uploaded it to Instastory for everyone to see. I panicked, closed the app, reopened it , but the video was still uploading. I turned off my phone, checked Insta on my iPad, and the Instastory had uploaded with my jizz shooting everywhere. I deleted it right in that second (note it was around 2am so I was hoping most people are asleep anyway). A minute passes by, got the first message saying ‘I don't think you meant to share it with everyone."" – Dénes Nagy via Facebook

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