27 "You" Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Season 3 That Make This Show Even More Wild And Amazing

    The location for Love's bakery in You Season 3 was also used for Luke's diner in Gilmore Girls.

    There are MASSIVE spoilers ahead for You Season 3. So if you haven't finished the season, just bookmark this for later.

    1. First, Dylan Arnold actually auditioned for Joe in season 1 and then Forty in season 2 before landing the role of Theo in season 3.

    Theo playing Supercut by Lorde on a boombox to get Love's attention

    2. Tati Gabrielle originally turned down working on You simply because her agent couldn't reveal to her what the project was, and she wanted to take a bit of a break.

    3. Then, Tati's agent came back to her with the role and this time was able to reveal that they wanted her to do a chemistry read with Penn Badgley, so she knew right away it had to be for You Season 3.

    Joe telling Marienne "I would do anything for you"

    4. One of the first things Shalita Grant and Travis Van Winkle, who play Sherry and Cary, learned about their characters was that they were going to be "the first caged couple" on the show.

    5. The You creators told Victoria Pedretti at her original audition that Love's story would only last two seasons, so it didn't come as a surprise when Love died in the Season 3 finale.

    6. While it wasn't always certain Love would die after her two-season run on the show, Victoria always had a feeling that it would have to end that way.

    Love lying dead on the floor

    7. The cast was given two scripts at a time while filming Season 3, so they all were surprised when they learned various surprises throughout the season.

    Love and Joe looking out a window and holding hands with Love saying "I think shit's about to hit the fan"

    8. However, at the beginning of each season, Penn Badgley asks the creators who dies in the final episode of the season, and he did the same thing for Season 3.

    9. Since You Season 3 filmed on the Warner Bros. Studios lot in California, Love's bakery A Fresh Tart was also used for Luke's Diner in Gilmore Girls.

    A Fresh Tart storefront vs Luke's Diner

    10. The two most surprising plot twists for Tati Gabrielle were Love's death and when Love hits Theo and he falls down the stairs.

    Theo bleeding at the bottom of the stairs

    11. The decision to shockingly kill Natalie in the first episode of Season 3 was because the writers wanted to do the opposite of what fans would expect. Everyone thought Natalie would be Joe's obsession for a whole season, so they decided to kill her early.

    Love calling Joe saying they need to go to couples' therapy while looking at Natalie's dead body

    12. Due to the fact that You Season 3 was filmed during the coronavirus pandemic, there were a lot of scenes that were cut or reworked so they wouldn't feature a ton of actors on set together.

    13. Penn Badgley and Victoria Pedretti said it felt very weird to be so close to each other while filming Joe and Love's sex scenes after spending the pandemic distancing from other people.

    Love and Joe kissing in bed

    14. Like in previous seasons, Penn Badgley records most of Joe's voiceovers before they've filmed the scenes, and he thinks of the voiceovers as separate from his performance.

    Joe stalking Natalie and his voiceover saying, "I might not have solved the mystery of you yet"

    15. Victoria Pedretti filmed Love's final moments a few days before wrapping the series, so for a while afterward she just played a dead body.

    Love dying and telling Joe "We're perfect for each other but bad for Henry. he'll know what you are"

    16. In fact, the very last moment Victoria filmed was a quick insert of Love simply placing the poison in a cabinet.

    17. Victoria Pedretti said it was a "challenge" filming Love's death scene just because she didn't know anything about aconite and paralytics, so figuring out "how to act it out" was hard.

    Joe telling Love "You did this to yourself"

    18. Also, Penn Badgley said it was hard filming the moments when Joe was paralyzed on the floor because there was only so much acting he could do while lying still.

    Joe lying motionless on the ground

    19. Taylor Swift's "Exile" being used in the Season 3 finale proved to be the "perfect sad song" for Joe and Love, and the inspiration behind using it came from showrunner Sera Gamble listening to Folklore throughout the pandemic.

    Exile by Taylor Swift playing while Joe drags Love's body

    20. While filming inside Joe and Love's infamous glass box, the crew would take down one wall in order to get the inside shots, but it's still a very claustrophobic space.

    Sherry pleading with Cary to stay awake and not let Joe and Love win

    21. In fact, Shalita Grant and Travis Van Winkle filmed all of Sherry and Cary's glass box scenes in "sequential order," which made it feel like they were performing a play.

    Sherry finding a key in the glass box

    22. Tati Gabrielle worked a lot with the writers to make sure Marienne's experience as a Black woman was coming across as authentically as possible. In fact, a few lines were changed per Tati's request.

    Marienne saying "White ladies deserve to be rescued. The rest of us can fend for ourselves"

    23. While a lot of characters die in You Season 3, at one point the writers were worried that Joe wasn't being "violent enough" based on what we'd seen him do in the previous two seasons.

    Joe stabbing Ryan to death

    24. Travis Van Winkle said one of his "funnest moments on set" was filming the scene in Episode 8 where Cary stands in front of the mirror and tries to get Joe to join in on the fun.

    Cary looking in the mirror and telling Joe to join in

    25. If you look closely, you'll notice that Marienne wears a locket throughout You Season 3. Tati Gabrielle actually requested that a photo of Marienne's daughter Juliette be placed inside.

    26. When coming up with how Sherry would cover up her missing ear in the flash-forward, Shalita Grant immediately suggested bangs.

    27. And finally, Penn Badgley said that his conversations with showrunner Sera Gamble about Season 4 are the "most exciting so far," and he thinks next season will be "quite different."

    Joe walking through Paris