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Here Are 17 "You" Behind-The-Scenes Secrets You Probably Didn't Know, But 100% Should

"The amount of fake blood that was required to make that look real was gruesome."

To celebrate You Season 2, Penn Badgley swung by BuzzFeed to answer some of our burning questions about the show.

Here's everything we learned:

🚨Warning: There are MASSIVE spoilers ahead!🚨

1. First, executive producers Greg Berlanti and Sera Gamble wanted Penn for the role of Joe right away.

2. Penn revealed that his first conversation with Greg and Sera allowed him to "overcome my pesky moral conflict over playing such a guy."

3. While filming, Penn's stand-in actually reads all of Joe's voiceover so there are long enough pauses to accommodate the voiceover when it's added later.

4. Also, you can actually spot Danny in Season 2, Episode 8 — he plays the guy whose wife kisses Forty.

5. Penn actually found out about the Love twist when he read with Victoria Pedretti during her audition.

6. However, he had no idea that Joe wasn't going to approve of Love being a killer — he thought they would eventually have a Bonnie and Clyde-like adventure.

7. The most gruesome scene Penn filmed in You Season 2 was when Joe finds Delilah's body.

8. The second-most gruesome scene to film was when Joe puts Jasper's body in the meat grinder.

9. Penn was so sad that he didn't get to share any scenes with John Stamos in Season 2.

10. Also, he forgot Dr. Nicky was making a small appearance in Season 2 until John showed up on set.

11. One of the most physical episodes for Penn to film was when Joe and Forty are tripping on LSD.

12. Also, the LSD episode actually required a lot of stunts that didn't make the final cut.

13. Penn believes that Joe does want to find true love, but "he has no clue where to find it or how."

14. Also, he doesn't think Joe has found true love with Love.

15. Penn said he isn't surprised by fans lusting after Joe.

16. He doesn't know anything about the neighbor at the end of Season 2.

17. And finally, in terms of Season 3, Penn is "most interested in what's going to happen between Love and Joe because they have a child together."

Check out our full video with Penn Badgley below:

View this video on YouTube


And be sure to watch Penn in You Season 2, which is now streaming on Netflix.