"Loki" Episode 4 Is Here, Which Means Here Are 23 Details That We Need To Talk About Now

    "Do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose?"

    🚨Warning: There are MASSIVE spoilers ahead for Episode 4 of Loki on Disney+!🚨

    Hi, hello, I hope you recovered from Loki Episode 3 and are ready to dive into the next episode. So, here are all the details I noticed in Episode 4:

    If you're new to these posts, welcome, and I apologize for all of my nerdy yelling! If you're returning after WandaVision AND The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, thanks so much for coming back!

    1. First, this is just an interesting parallel I noticed, but whenever Asgard is shown in a Thor movie, we see it as if we're standing on the rainbow bridge, looking at the front — but for Sylvie's backstory, we approached Asgard from the mountains and saw the back of the palace.

    A look at Asgard in Loki, Thor, Thor: The Dark World, and Thor: Ragnarok

    2. When kid Sylvie is playing inside the palace, she's telling a story about how the Valkyrie swooped in and saved Asgard, and, like Sylvie, Thor admired the Valkyrie growing up too.

    Sylvie saying, "The Valkyrie flies over, defeats the dragon, and saves Asgard" vs Thor saying, "I used to wanna be a Valkyrie when I was younger"

    3. You can also see that one of kid Sylvie's toys is a wolf, and we've previously seen Fenris, a giant Asgardian wolf, in Thor: Ragnarok.

    Sylvie's small wolf toy vs. Fenris in Thor: Ragnarok

    4. When Ravonna is apprehending kid Sylvie, her hunter number is "A-23." This is a nod to Avengers Issue #23, aka the first time Ravonna appeared in the comics.

    A close-up of Ravonna's badge reading "A-23"

    5. When Mobius and Hunter B-15 are looking for a Nexus event, you can see "Morag" at the top of the monitor. Morag is where Peter Quill found the Orb, which contained the Power Stone, in Guardians of the Galaxy.

    A close-up of a monitor reading, "Morag" vs. Peter Quill getting the Orb

    6. This isn't really a detail, but I absolutely loved this conversation between Loki and Sylvie about how Lokis always survive. I just think it's a great parallel to how we've seen Loki die several times in the MCU, but he always comes back.

    Sylvie asking Loki, "Do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose?"

    7. The theater Mobius takes Loki into is "Time Theater 25," and yes, I love Marvel numbers, so 25 could reference Journey Into Mystery Issue #25, which deals with aliens erasing a man's memory so he doesn't tell anyone where they are.

    An arrow pointing to a sign reading, "Time Theater 25"

    8. When Loki is put in a time loop by Mobius, he's reliving a moment where Sif attacks him after he cuts her hair. This is a moment taken from Norse mythology where Loki cut Lady Sif's gorgeous hair, which she was very proud of.

    Sif confronting Loki about cutting her hair and how he deserves to be alone

    9. Also, not a hidden detail, but shoutout to Jaimie Alexander for making her first appearance as Sif since Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 in 2015.

    Loki saying he remembers the moment with Sif, but got over it very quickly

    10. Sylvie is taken by the TVA to "Time Theater 47," yes another number I'm gonna yell about. So, 47 could be a nod to What If? Issue #47, which actually follows what would've happened if Loki had Thor's hammer, not Thor.

    An arrow pointing to a sign reading, "Time Theater 47"

    11. Mobius mentions the other types of Variants the TVA has encountered. We've seen Kree in Captain Marvel and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Titans refers to Thanos's race, but this is the first mention of vampires, which links to the upcoming Blade movie.

    Mobius saying, "You know, we brought in Kree, Titans, vampires. Why is it the two orphan demigods are such a pain in the ass?"

    12. When Mobius says that Loki only does partners if he's planning to betray them or if they help in some way, it's a nod to Loki's work with Thanos, especially in The Avengers.

    Mobius telling Loki, "I guess you don't do partners. Unless, of course, it benefits you, and you intend to betray them at some point"

    13. When Mobius signs the paperwork in Ravonna's office, he glances down at the Franklin D. Roosevelt High School pen again. I'm starting to think this might be a trophy from Mobius's — or heck Ravonna's — real life before he was captured by the TVA.

    Mobius looking down at a blue pen

    14. When Ravonna places Sylvie's sword with her other trophies, she puts it near her old TVA helmet and staff, and in the beginning of the episode, we learned that Sylvie was the Variant that got away from Ravonna.

    Ravonna placing Sylvie's sword on a shelf

    15. When Mobius looks at C-20's file on Ravonna's TemPad, you can see three dates. One of them being "03.15.2050," which corresponds to the Roxxcart disaster in 2050.

    A close-up of a TemPad with Hunter C-20's picture and dates

    16. I just really love the attention to detail the production designers put into these Marvel shows, so I'm going to point out that above the Time-Keepers' elevator, you can spot the TVA's motto.

    A sign reading, "For all time. Always"

    17. Okay, while we find out these Time-Keepers are androids, their designs do match the Time-Keepers from the comic books, which is honestly so cool.

    Sylvie and Loki standing before three of the Time-Keepers

    18. And when Sylvie decapitates one of the Time-Keepers and realizes it's an android, I started cackling because in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam listed androids as one of the "big three" beings they always fight.

    Sylvie saying, "Fake. Mindless androids" vs. Sam saying, "Androids, aliens, and wizards. Every time we fight, it's one of the three"

    19. When Ravonna gets rid of Loki, she stabs him in the back, which is exactly how Loki killed Coulson in The Avengers.

    Loki disappearing after being stabbed vs. Coulson being stabbed in The Avengers

    20. It's our first post-credits scene for Loki and wow, oh wow, it's a big one. Loki meets four other Lokis, and it's amazing. We see Classic Loki, which is an homage to Jack Kirby's original design for the character, Kid Loki, Alligator Loki (lol), and a Loki that looks like he wields a hammer, like Thor.

    Loki looking up at four Lokis

    21. I feel like it's important to point out that Kid Loki shows up in the Young Avengers comic books, which means we've just added yet another key member to that story in the MCU.

    The four Lokis vs. Billy and Tommy from WandaVision

    22. Also, behind the four Lokis, you can spot the ruins of Avengers Tower in whatever this world is.

    A crumbling Avengers Tower behind Classic Loki

    23. And finally, the song that plays after the post-credits scene is "I'll Take That Drink Now" by Alan Silvestri, which also played when the Avengers apprehended Loki in The Avengers.

    Loki in The Avengers saying, "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now"

    Did you catch any other Easter eggs or cool details? Have a better theory for one mentioned above? Tell me everything in the comments below!

    Also, next week's post will be up on Thursday (sorry, vacation is calling me ✨).

    Absolutely obsessed with Loki? Check out all of our coverage here.