I Don't Care — Tom Hiddleston Has Always Been Hot

    From his Midnight in Paris era as F. Scott Fitzgerald to now.

    Behold, Tom Hiddleston.

    Let's talk about why you're here. Loki is out, and you are now scouring the internet as you revisit your obsession with its star.

    Sure he tried to destroy the world on multiple occasions, but he looked damn good while doing it.

    I mean, look at this cutie.

    There's a reason IMDb lists one of his trademarks as his "wide, warm smile."

    I would like to start a discussion thread dedicated to just this photo.

    Unbeknownst to himself, Hiddleston invented the smize.

    Let's talk about this 2016 photo shoot he had with W Magazine.

    And this GQ shoot in 2017.

    And I love a man who can play sports.

    This headshot speaks for itself.

    If I speak...

    Something about the black-and-white filter gives it a certain je ne sais quoi.

    Are you kidding me?!

    I had to include this one with Elizabeth Olsen (thee Wanda Maximoff) because 1) Faves, and 2) It's adorable.

    I will simply leave this image here.

    Did you know that Megan Thee Stallion's lyric in "Girls in the Hood" also applies to Tom Hiddleston?

    You thought I was going to end this post without a shirtless pic?

    I rest my case.