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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    12 Life-Changing Things To Try In July

    Because we tried them for you in June!

    The BuzzFeed staff is always trying new products, apps, hacks, and DIY projects, and we decided it was time to start sharing the best of them with you. Each month, we post our recommendations for what’s actually worth it. For the sake of transparency, items under “Things We Bought” and “Tricks We Learned” were purchased with our own money and/or were not the result of a PR pitch. Those under “Things We Tried” are items that were provided to us at no cost for the sake of review. (But! We’re under no obligation to write a review of those things, let alone a positive review.)

    Let us know in the comments what sorts of things you’d like us to review next month!

    1. Trtl Neck Support Pillow, a travel pillow to ensure you doze off on your transatlantic flight WITHOUT waking up with a massive mount of neck pain.

    2. Q&A a Day Five-Year Journal, a diary that asks you a different daily question. The twist? It asks you the same question once a year to see how your answers change over the course of five years.

    3. Chuckit Floppy Dog Tug Toy, a durable rubber chew toy with a coiled shape that stays fun (and most importantly, intact) for even the most playful of puppers.

    4. 3D Gem Silicone Tray, a flexible mold to help you make diamond-shaped ice cubes, gummies, or even soap.

    5. Zero Grid Travel Electronics Organizer, a travel-friendly case to finally store all of your cables and gadget accessories with no tangled cords, lost USBs, or damaged camera gear.

    6. DHP Cambridge Upholstered Bed with Storage, a stylish bed that makes the most of your tiny space so you can rest easier.

    7. Philips Precision Perfect Trimmer, a battery-operated device to remove any unwanted hair with just the push of a button.

    8. Luna Protein Bars, granola bars with plenty of protein and not too much sugar, and that actually *don't* taste like CHALK.

    9. TBBSC Instant Read Meat Thermometer, a cooking tool with a digital readout to easily ensure your meat is perfectly cooked — aka it won't make you incredibly sick.

    10. Sunbasket, a recipe kit with organic and non-GMO ingredients so you can make delicious recipes for the whole family. You can even choose paleo, gluten-free, and vegetarian options.

    11. Philips Wake-Up Light, an alarm clock and night-light that wakes you up with gradually increasing natural light so you start the day cheerful and refreshed.

    12. PreHeels, a friction-preventing spray you can spritz on your feet before wearing the most treacherous shoes to prevent blisters all night long.