8 Answers To Questions You’ve Always Had About "Clueless"


    Even 20 years after the birth of Clueless, we still have lingering questions about the plot and characters. We talked with Elisa Donovan (Amber) and Stacey Dash (Dionne) to see if they could enlighten us and fill in some of the gaps.

    1. What's going on in this scene from the opening credits montage? Are Dee, Amber, and Cher all secretly friends?

    Elisa and Stacey confirm that yes, they are all secretly friends.

    2. Who is Shawana?

    According to Stacey, all we need to know is that this bitch wore polyester braids and is therefore a nobody.

    Then was Shawana a real threat to Dee and Murray's relationship?

    3. Did Amber ever have to give her speech? Or did she get off the hook for the assignment?

    Elisa says, nope, it was all part of Amber's plan.

    But did she actually prepare the speech?

    4. When and how did Dionne and Murray meet?

    Stacey thinks they met as pre-teens. Elisa suggests otherwise.

    As to how the couple met...

    5. Did Amber actually buy the same dress as Cher?

    Elisa says of course not...

    Stacey has a different side of the story...

    6. How come Dionne and Murray aren't at this party?

    Stacey says it was probably date night.

    7. Did Amber and Elton actually become a couple? What's their relationship status?

    Elisa's not convinced.

    So, the short answer is: They didn't last.

    8. And finally, did Dee ever pass her driver's test?

    Even Elisa has confidence in Dee.