Here Are The Best – And Most Real – Celebrity Parenting Moments (So Far) For 2019

    We love a good mom 'gram!

    1. Amy Schumer sending out a MILF alert:

    2. Meghan Markle proudly showing off her post-baby bump days after giving birth.

    3. This video of Cardi B's daughter saying "Mama" for the first time.

    4. Kylie Jenner feeling the love from her daughter who won't leave her side.

    5. Jessica Simpson displaying her swollen pregnancy feet.

    6. Chrissy Teigen having to carry a kid on each hip.

    7. Hilary Duff sharing this live pic of her breastfeeding her babe:

    8. Kim Kardashian's daughter having a meltdown when she couldn't wear her boots for the day (swipe right on the pics).

    9. Jennifer Lopez uploading this throwback of her kids singing karaoke at home.

    10. Pink's kid making her the best kind of award – a homemade one.

    11. Ciara sharing this throwback pregnancy pic and that she was feeling blessed by her kiddos.

    12. Jenna Fischer getting charged for her Mother's Day breakfast.

    13. Reese Witherspoon learning lines with her youngest for his kindergarten play.

    14. Jennifer Garner attempting to make cinnamon bread men.

    15. And Blake Lively beautifully revealing her baby bump in public for the first time.

    We love all the celeb mamas!