I Asked Finance Experts For 10 Money Resolutions To Consider For 2022

    Even if you don't reach your goal, forming a new habit can still be a win.

    Creating a resolution to level up your money game is easy-ish, but sticking to it is the hard part.

    I’ve personally had difficulty finding the right set of financial resolutions that I can commit to. So instead of making empty promises to myself this year, I decided to do something different and reach out to some personal finance experts to help me start 2022 on the right foot.

    Why are New Year's resolutions surrounding money so difficult to stick to?

    So with that in mind, here are 10 money resolutions that you don't have to wait until 2022 to start on:

    Note: Personal finance is, well, very personal, so some of these ideas might not be applicable for your situation. Take what works for you and leave the rest.

    1. Start saving money in an emergency fund for unexpected bills.

    Couple going over their finances together

    2. Get rid of high-interest debt (and, if possible, all of your other debt too).

    3. Increase your retirement contributions, even just a little bit.

    4. Start a side hustle if you're interested in having multiple streams of income.

    5. Or if you're in a position to do so, ask for a raise.

    Man in a meeting with his boss

    6. Read a personal finance book to learn more about money.

    7. Look into cryptocurrencies.

    8. Set actionable savings goals, and create a budget you can stick to.

    9. If your finances are stable, create a goal for giving.

    Person donating a box of goods to their community

    10. Finally, consider investing in real estate.

    Woman touring a home with a real estate agent

    And here’s a bonus: I asked each financial expert about financial resolutions they’ve completed in the past!

    Now it's your turn: What are some financial resolutions you’re setting for yourself in 2022? Share your goals, and cheer each other on in the comments.