People Are Discussing What Certain Movies Would Be Like From Another Character's Perspective, And My Mind Is Exploding

    I have now decided I absolutely need Twilight from Charlie's POV now.

    We all have those movies we could watch over and over again and never get tired of.

    But have you ever watched a movie and wondered what the story might look like from another character's POV?

    This week, Reddit user FozzyBearTheMuppet asked, "If, instead of rebooting movies, it became a trend to retell them from a different character's perspective, what film would you want to see retold and from whose point of view?" Here are some of the movies people want to see:

    1. First, Toy Story from Andy's perspective:

    2. Mean Girls from Regina George's perspective:

    3. The Harry Potter movies from Neville's perspective:

    4. 500 Days of Summer from Summer's perspective:

    5. Bird Box from the perspective of the guy who forced everyone's eyes open:

    6. Twilight from Charlie's perspective:

    7. Passengers from Aurora's perspective:

    8. The Matrix from a random detective's perspective:

    9. Shrek from Baby Bear's perspective:

    10. It's a Wonderful Life from Mary's perspective:

    11. The Incredibles from Frozone's perspective:

    12. Lion King from Scar's perspective:

    13. The Princess Bride from Miracle Max and his wife Valerie’s perspectives:

    14. Weekend at Bernie's from Bernie's perspective:

    15. King Kong from King Kong's perspective:

    16. The Hunger Games from Haymitch's perspective:

    17. Beauty and the Beast from Gaston's perspective:

    18. And finally, any action movie from a random townsperson's perspective:

    Now it's your turn! Which movies or TV shows would you have like to see told from another character's POV? Tell us in the comments for a chance to be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post.

    Note: Entries have been edited for length and clarity.