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    32 Products With Before-And-After Photos That Might Just Make You Believe In Magic

    All that grime and gunk will ✨disappear✨ right before your eyes.

    1. A jewelry cleaning pen that'll restore your bling and have it looking like it did when it was first purchased.

    Reviewer's photo of their diamond ring looking cloudy and dingy compared to it looking much more clear and shiny

    2. A pack of acne patches made with hydrocolloid dressing, tea tree oil, calendula oil, and cica to suck the gunk right out of your zits and help them fade away overnight.

    3. A hair finishing stick to take care of those annoying flyaways and baby hairs that just aren't cooperating. It's made of natural plant ingredients that have an immediate effect on your 'do.

    4. Or an edge control gel that'll help lay edges and baby hairs for a sleek look without the flaking and residue.

    5. A cult-favorite vitamin C serum made with a plant-based formula and antioxidants to help brighten and firm skin and leave you feeling like you just got a professional facial. It's said to help clear up everything from sunburns to cystic acne scars.

    6. Glossier's Solution exfoliating skin perfector that gently removes dead skin through chemical exfoliation, giving you a fresh complexion.

    before-and-after of a model's face showing redness and bumps compared to hardly any redness and much less bumps

    7. A sneaker cleaner that'll take even your most rough looking pair of shoes and help them become presentable again. It even comes with a brush for scrubbing the dirt away.

    8. A set of drill brushes so you can remove any of that hard-to-clean grossness that's caked up on your stove, grill, shower, or floor.

    9. A pair of small deep clean scrub brushes to get all of the cracks and crevices in your place squeaky clean.

    reviewer's tile floor with half of it showing dirt between the tiles and the other part with it looking clean and white between the tiles

    10. An effective anti-dandruff shampoo you'll love if you constantly stress over dandruff, itchiness, and flaking.

    reviewer's before-and-after of them having a lot of dandruff on their scalp compared to it being completely gone

    11. A chain mail scrubber so you can get the food cleaned off your cast iron, without stripping away the seasoning.

    12. A bottle of Goo Gone adhesive remover, because once you finally get that sticky stuff off your window, you'll actually be able to see out of it.

    13. An all-natural oven scrub so you can get rid of the gross crispies and baked-on spills that may or may not have been accumulating since you moved in.

    14. A pumice cleaning stone you will want to keep your bathroom sparkling. ✨ No one enjoys sitting on a yucky toilet.

    15. A pack of stainless steel wipes to have your kitchen appliances shining bright like a diamond.

    reviewer's before-and-after of a stainless steel sink with cup rings and stains inside compared to it looking spotless

    16. A hair repair serum for transforming dry, damaged hair into soft and shiny locks. The mix of aloe and argan oils should help de-frizz your mane and improve split ends.

    A before-and-after of a reviewer with dry, damaged hair and split ends compared to much healthier and smoother looking hair after using the serum

    17. A rust stain remover to get rid of the unappealing rust that's holding your bathroom back from being #goals.

    18. A purple shampoo that'll tone down the yellow hues in blonde hair so you can get the color you want without extra (expensive) trips to the salon.

    Reviewer's before-and-after of their hair looking yellow and brassy compared to it looking much more smooth and light blonde

    19. A carpet cleaning and deodorizing solution to add to your carpet cleaner and make all of those odors and stains from your furry friend disappear.

    Reviewer's before-and-after of their gray-tinted and stained carpet compared to a strip of clean beige carpet after using the cleaner

    20. A beeswax conditioner for your cutting board so you can make it look as good as new, instead of feeling like you need to replace it. The shop also sells an all-natural furniture polish with similar ingredients.

    Before and after results of using the conditioner, which resulted in way less scratches and marks on the board

    21. A ceramic cooktop cleaner that'll keep your cooking area looking HGTV-approved. It's safe on all smooth tops, including radiant and halogen.

    22. A car cleaning spray so you no longer have to dread having people in your car. This multi-purpose cleaner can work on upholstery, fabric, canvas, leather, plastic, rubber, and more!

    23. A bottle of sulfate-free Biotin shampoo infused with tea tree, jojoba, and argan oils to help with hair loss and prevent dandruff.

    A before-and-after of a reviewer with a lot of hair loss on top of their head compared to a much fuller head of hair

    24. A vitamin C facial cleanser made with organic and natural ingredients that can result in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and clearing up breakouts.

    reviewer's before-and-after of her face showing some blemishes on her cheek compared to the bumps and marks being about 85% gone

    25. Elizavecca's CER-100 Collagen Coating Hair Protein treatment for damaged, over-processed locks. It can be used on all hair textures to help restore it back to a healthier state.

    A BuzzFeed Shopping editor's before-and-after of her hair looking damaged and frizzy compared to it looking more smooth and healthy

    26. A tongue scraper guaranteed to remove grossness from your tongue that you didn't even realize was there.

    27. A lightweight multi-purpose oil infused with pure coffee seed and castor oil that'll moisturize the hair and scalp, while also giving it a glossy, smooth look and promoting hair growth.

    28. A wheel cleaner that'll get your wheels in tip top shape, even if you have months of mud, salt, and rust piled on them.

    29. A makeup brush shampoo, because let's ~face~ it, your brushes are probably in need of a really good cleanin'...I know mine are!

    Reviewer's dirty brushes, stained from makeup, next to an after photo of clean brushes that have returned to their original color

    30. A carpet and upholstery stain remover to finally get rid of that huge spaghetti stain in the middle of your living room carpet.

    31. A squalane and lactic acid resurfacing night serum helpful for exfoliating your skin and working to give it a smoother, brighter, and more even-toned appearance. Just massage two-three pumps into your skin at night and you'll wake up *glowing*.

    Before-and-after of a customer's visible pores and uneven skin tone compared to hardly visible pores, much smoother and brighter skin, and more even tone

    32. And an electric pressure washer that can power clean so many different things, you might not even recognize your own house after you use it a few times.

    reviewer's photo of their dirty, discolored wooden fence compared to a strip of clean wood where they used the pressure washer

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