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    27 Problem-Solving Products For Things You Didn't Know You Could Fix Yourself

    Whether it's fixing worn-down shoes and broken zippers to saving dying plants and damaged floors, you can do it with the help of these products.

    1. Salicylic acid wart-removing adhesive bandages for anyone who's tried everything to get rid of a stubborn wart. These miracle workers are discreet enough to look like they're just covering up a paper cut or scratch, but will *finally* give you some relief.

    A set of four reviewer pictures: The wart turned white, the ward even whiter and starting to rise, the ward starting to separate, and the wart peeling off

    2. A miraculous diamond-cleaning stick that just might reveal your gems to be even more gorgeous than you thought and get them to shine as bright as Rihanna said they would — without paying a jeweler to do it.

    a before and after of a reviewer's ring looking cloudy then sparkling clear

    3. Beyond handy grocery bag handles for anyone who REFUSES to make multiple trips into the house with their baggage. These babies make it possible to carry way more at once (even when your roommates refuse to help) and can even hold the bags together in the back of the car so they don't spill.

    4. A zipper repair kit that'll make fixing the fastenings on bags and jackets without the help of a pro (or just giving up and tossing the item) a breeze even if you're not at all handy.

    5. An easy wood-repairing marker and wax stick set so you can fill in and cover those scratches without spending time and money on fully repairing and replacing an old fave piece of furniture.

    6. A magical purple toning shampoo that works on all hair types and eliminates yellow or brassy tones in your hair, so you won't have to go to the salon for touch-ups nearly as often. BTW, 6,000+ reviewers say it's to ~dye~ for.

    From right to left: A reviewer's hair looking very yellow (before), their hair lighter (1 wash), and finally their hair looking more platinum blonde (2 washes)

    7. Miracle-Gro indoor plant food spikes for anyone who's ever felt like there was nothing they else could do to keep their wilty plant bb alive, short of pursuing a horticultural degree. Turns out, there is: just stick these guys into your plant pot every few weeks.

    8. A super convenient magnetic wristband strong enough to hold up to one pound (!!!) of tools you want to have close at hand, so it'll be like you have an assistant right there with you. This is like a double whammy of DIY: you can fix the problem of not being able to reach everything yourself *while* you fix other things around the house yourself.

    model wearing red wristband with nails stuck to it while they hammer one into wood

    9. A set of heel protectors to conceal and stabilize worn-out heel caps in seconds. Because do you actually need to go to the cobbler every time you wear a fave pair down to the nail? Heel no.

    10. A handy zipper pull tool for anyone who has ever found themselves living alone and wishing they had a family member/roommate/S.O. around to help with their seemingly impossible back zipper. Yup, time to pull all of those gorgeous back-zip dresses out of the depths of your closet.

    11. DampRid moisture absorber, which comes in handy little tubs and is perfect for anyone who always assumed that icky, humid summer smell was just something they were going to have to live with in their home. Nope, you plus this trusty product are the superhero duo your sticky bathroom has been waiting for.

    A tub of the product on a bathroom counter

    12. The amazing Bug Bite Thing, a suction tool to erase bug bites and itching faster than you ever thought possible, for those who get soooo many bites in warm weather and can never resist scratching them and making them worse (it me).

    13. An instantly downloadable and printable cleaning checklist divided by day and room for anyone who needs someone to break down their chores for them and hold them accountable. If you no longer live with your mom, this piece of paper will be the next best thing.

    printed checklist with each room assigned a day of the week and a checklist of tasks to do to clean and organize that room
    Creative Type Store/Etsy

    This Canada-based small biz specializes in printable organizing aids.

    Promising reviews: "I have adult children living with me at the moment. I needed clear cleaning instructions/expectations for them to contribute with the house. This easy printout has solved so many arguments. It works great for our situation." —Jennifer Jarvis

    "I ended up editing this a little bit to better fit our needs but this was perfect! It made it so easy. My house hasn’t been this clean in a while. Lol" —Kathleen Cronin

    Get two sizes in JPG format and two sizes in PDF format from Creative Type Store on Etsy for $4.50.

    14. Downright genius LED light-blocking stickers to take the annoying lights on all your household gadgets from wayyyyy too bright to *just right*. These are for anyone who's ever stared with loathing at their clock in the middle of the night, wishing they could somehow reprogram it to be less bright and obnoxious.

    15. A fast-drying, super strong metal glue that yes, is great for anyone who makes their own jewelry, but is also super handy to have around if you ever need to reset a loose stone or broken link or clasp so you can DIY.

    hands gluing a loose gem back into a statement necklace

    16. A windshield repair kit so you can fix dings all by yourself. Schlep to the repair shop and spend a ton of money on a repair every time a pebble hits my windshield on the highway? You're cracking me up.

    17. A LOL-worthy yet effective Schitt spray, because ew, David, I bet you thought stinking up the bathroom was just an inevitable part of life. Nope — just spritz this oil blend onto the toilet before you go to mask whatever damage you're about to do. Especially if you're Roland using the loo in the Rose's motel room.

    the large and small spray bottles with labels that read "Schitt Spray, Ew, David" with David Rose's face on them

    18. A clever grout-coating pen, because you'll be ~floored~ at how much better you can make your tile look without having your grout replaced.

    19. 100 Things Every Homeowner Must Know, a tome full of insights on how to do everything from understand your plumbing system to cut heating costs to roll paint properly to protect your belongings. TL;DR: you'll no longer feel like you need to call someone to fix every little (or even medium-sized or big) problem.

    the book cover

    20. Howard Feed-N-Wax Wood Polish and Conditioner, a beeswax and orange oil formula that's basically like a spa treatment for your wood surfaces and will have them looking like they just received a professional polishing (when really, you're just a professional at finding great cleaning products online).

    21. A brilliant color-coded keyboard cover for anyone who's new to Adobe Photoshop and is really struggling not having teachers or coworkers to help them master it IRL. This cover illustrates all the shortcuts so you can train yourself to become a pro in no time.

    the keyboard cover on a MacBook with colors, shapes, and text to indicate each key's function in photoshop

    22. Waterproof screen repair tape so you can patch up holes in a door or window screen (yes, I'm talking about the one you were sure you were gonna have to replace) in seconds.

    23. A headlight lens restoration kit, which will provide all the help you need to make your headlights look so shiny and new, other drivers may pull over just to take a moment and say "Wow." Maybe even in an Owen Wilson voice if you're lucky.

    Above, a very cloudy headlight and the text "Before" and below, the same headlight looking super clear with the text "After"; reviewer has used blue masking tape around the edges of the headlight as they worked

    24. A universal jar opener for the problem that anyone who lives alone has faced at least once: thinking you're going to have to change your whole dinner plan because you cannot, for the life of you, open that jar of pasta sauce. This baby will be your new best friend and will take up — get this — ZERO drawer space.

    hand using the opener attached to the bottom of a cabinet

    25. Squishface Wrinkle Paste, an anti-itch, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal cream made for cleaning the cute faces (and tail pockets) of the wrinkliest doggos around. I can't be the only one who didn't know there was a solution for this common pet problem!

    26. DressWeights, heroic little weights that adhere to your hem to prevent a Marilyn Monroe moment. And here you thought the only way to do that was to learn to control the weather.

    model applying one of the oval shaped weights to the inside hem of their dress

    27. A special pill-removing, pumice-esque stone made just for restoring your favorite clothes to their former glory — even the ones you thought had passed the pill-tiful point of no return.

    You to all your problems:

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