Ranking 26 Fortnite Marvel Character Designs

    *Spots someone in Pleasant Park* *Avenger's Theme Intensifies*

    Marvel brought cinematic universes into the mainstream, and Fortnite mainstreamed the battle royale game mode. They are a match made in heaven, so why not appreciate all the available Marvel outfits?

    Fortnite poster featuring Marvel characters like Iron Man, Storm, and Groot

    My Fortnite is a little rusty, but I remember the days of playing it when it launched. So whether you are new to Fortnite or a hardcore gamer, this list is for you!

    Steve Buscemi  saying, "How do you do, fellow kids

    26. Silver Surfer

    The Silver Surfer Fortnite character poses by leaning forward

    25. Thor

    Thor Fortnite outfit wields his hammer that is emitting lightning

    24. Captain America

    Fortnite's Captain America character skin poses with fists clenched at his sides

    23. Cable

    Fortnite character Cable chokes a man off the ground

    22. Task Master

    Taskmaster Fortnite skin poses with a sword

    21. Psylocke

    Psylocke's Fortnite skin poses with her hand glowing purple

    20. Daredevil

    Fortnite's Daredevil poses in promotional poster

    19. Loki

    Loki wields scepter while wearing horned helmet

    18. Ant-Man

    Ant-Man Fortnite outfit promotional poster

    17. Domino

    Domino's Fortnite character balancing a knife on her finger

    16. Deadpool

    Fortnite character Deadpool stands next to a man in a suit and a banana in a tux

    15. Mystique

    Fortnite skin of Mystique poses with duel swords

    14. Venom

    Venom Fortnite character sticking his tongue out

    13. Blade

    Fortnite's Blade outfit poses in promotional poster

    12. Groot

    Groot's Fortnite design staring with head tilted

    11. Captain Marvel

    Fortnite design of Captain Marvel poses

    10. Thanos

    Fortnite's Thanos character skin holding Infinity Gauntlet

    9. Star-Lord

    Promotional Star Lord pack and Star Lord giving you the double guns

    8. Iron Man

    Iron Man outfit in Fortnite poses with hand raised

    7. Black Panther

    Fortnite's Black Panther character poses with popped collar cape

    6. Ghost Rider

    Fortnite's Ghost Rider skin with flaming skull

    5. Black Widow

    Black Widow Skin in Fortnite

    4. Doctor Doom

    Fortnite skin of Doctor Doom poses with his arms crossed

    3. She-Hulk

    She-Hulk flexing

    2. Wolverine

    Fortnite outfit of Wolverine poses with his claws

    1. Storm

    Fortnite Storm skin in white gear

    Which is your favorite Marvel character to play as? How about strictly design? Comment below!