The Robert Pattinaissance Is Here And It's About Damn Time

    We as a culture have been sleeping on him for too damn long. And by we, I don't mean me, because I have always loved him.

    I don't know if you've heard, but it's the year 2019 and the Robert Pattinsonaissance is well and truly upon us.

    The Robert Pattinsonaissance is everything I need in 2019...he may belong on the "who won 2019?" list if he keeps this up

    Like, he killed it in The Lighthouse.

    THE LIGHTHOUSE: Robert Pattinson tour de force! Wow he's so brilliant, in fact this is the best acting I've seen this year and yes I've seen Joker and yes I love Joaquin. But what Robert did. Wow the efin wow. 10/10. The movie is also brilliant, but everyone knows that already.

    And he absolutely stole the show in The King.

    It would be a crime to talk about #TheKing and not talk about one of 2019’s best cinematic moment from the brilliant Robert Pattinson. He’s just having so much fun w/ this character, i’m in total awe!!! 🙇🏻‍♂️

    His years-old Dior campaign has gone viral.

    With good reason *cough*.

    And, oh yeah, next up he's gonna be BATMAN.

    if anyone is wondering why i (a person who doesnt usually like batman) is gonna go see robert pattinson's batman, this is why:

    It's all very exciting, but let's just make one thing clear: Robert Pattinson has been great all along.

    i hope the rpattzaissance born of the lighthouse, the three incandescent scenes in the king, and the Batman For A24 Hoes will lead the broader culture to come around and recognize that robert pattinson does at least five insanely hilarious things in every single twilight film

    He didn't go anywhere – he's been quietly making really interesting acting choices for years.

    In 2018 alone, for instance, he showed his range starring in the deeply unsettling sci-fi High Life, as well as the Western comedy Damsel.

    Before that, he stole the show as a criminal in Good Time...

    Had dual roles in The Childhood of a Leader...

    And was the best damn part of post-apocalyptic Australian drama The Rover.

    As for The Twilight Saga – well I'm here to say he's great in that too.


    Listen, his job in those movies was to sell the idea that a 108-year-old repressed virgin vegetarian vampire was the ultimate dream guy, and you know what, HE NAILED IT.

    He managed to deliver lines like this with a straight face, and that alone warrants all of the awards tbh.

    Also? Not only is he great at this whole acting thing, he is also incredible valuable in real life.

    Seriously, look at any interview he's ever done and you're guaranteed a good time.

    there is no way robert pattinson is real

    Basically, love RPattz now or regret it later.