"Fuller House" Featured Two Major Throwbacks To Young Stephanie Tanner

    These throwbacks were the opposite of rude!

    The final episodes of Fuller House dropped this week and featured some epic Stephanie Tanner throwbacks.

    First, the Thanksgiving episode, "Cold Turkey," recreated one of Stephanie's most iconic Full House moments.

    The moment got some similar reactions:

    DJ was as shocked as ever:

    Danny was as upset as ever about the kitchen:

    And Joey was obviously distraught over his car (again):

    Also, shoutout to the episode for this small nod to Full House's original Thanksgiving episode.

    Believe it or not, the car in the kitchen wasn't the only major Stephanie throwback.

    If we didn't ship them before, we do now!

    Thanks, Fuller House, for giving us the Full House nostalgia we crave one last time.