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    42 Things For Anyone Who's Obsessed With Their Pet

    A bubble backpack, a birthday celebration set, and a bed-warming mat to show your pet how much you love them.

    1. A bubble backpack so you can *finally* take your kitty with you wherever you go — and in style!

    2. A custom-made pillow starring none other than your pet to make your next couch cuddle session even more special.

    3. A picture frame so you can put your precious pet and their adorable lil' paw on display in your home for all to admire.

    4. A handheld dog shower attachment you can use to host an at-home spa day for you and your pup.

    5. A hat embroidered with your pet on it, so the whole world can appreciate what a stylish pet parent you are.

    a split photo of a dog and the same dog embroidered on a black baseball hat

    6. A three-way tunnel for endless adventures with your beloved furball — great for puppies, cats, and rabbits! I honestly don't see any reason why you couldn't let any rodent pets give it a go as well.

    7. A birthday celebration set complete with three wearable accessories, a cake topper, and a birthday banner that'll help you throw your pup the party they've always deserved.

    8. A pet hammock so your pal can lounge in style on long road trips and your car seats might get a little less covered in hair.

    9. A dog treat camera so you can feed your little furball no matter where you are.

    10. A stain and odor eliminator that'll keep your home feeling fresh even though you let your pet snuggle in bed with you every night.

    a model spraying the stain and odor eliminator

    11. A toothbrush squeaky toy you can use to both play *and* clean your pup's pearly whites at the same time.

    Girl plays with dog with toothbrush squeaky toy

    12. A fancy water fountain so your pet can drink to their heart's content (without begging you for more).

    13. A pair of felt Velcro wings you can use to transform you cat into a too-cute bat for Halloween.

    14. An interactive cat toy you'll find to be simply purr-fect for entertaining your precious feline.

    15. A dainty necklace featuring your pet's name and a paw print so you can keep them close to your heart at all times.

    16. A bed-warming mat to keep your little one comfortable and cozy at all times.

    17. A big 'ol box of cat toys you can use to shower your kitty in presents — they deserve it.

    18. A customized ornament to incorporate your love for your pet into your holiday decorations.

    a split photo of the buzzfeed editor's dog and the ornament with the dog painted on it

    19. A waterproof coat that'll keep your pup snug and dry when you venture out into the world.

    20. A chic marbled personalized placemat so your fur baby can eat dinner in style.

    a rectangular marble print mat with the name charlotte written on it in script

    21. A squirrel-hiding toy thousands of dogs are obsessed with — and yours will be too.

    22. A swanky collar to introduce your pet to the finer things in life (and your Rifle Paper Co. obsession, oops).

    23. A plush cactus toy you won't have to fret over your doggo destroying since there's another small toy inside for them to squeak-on.

    A dog chewing on a green plush cactus toy

    24. A fluffy pet blanket so your dog or cat can experience the utmost comfort at all times.

    25. A custom stuffed animal of your pet that'll surely become their (or your) new favorite toy.

    26. Socks with your pet's face ALL over them so you can secretly keep their paw-fect smile with you under your knee-high boots or wear 'em with sneakers and SHOW YOUR PET OFF TO THE WORLD!

    27. A Disney-inspired pet portrait of your furry friend to make it seem like they could've starred in Lady and the Tramp or The Aristocats.

    28. Personalized stickers featuring your pet's face to wallpaper your life with. Water bottles, lap tops, random street signs — no surface is safe.

    29. A WeRateDogs calendar to bring even more puppy love into your daily life. Warning: your heart may burst, as this calendar is jam-packed with cuties.

    30. A candle with a minimalist design that'll show off how proud you are to be the owner of a rescue dog.

    a candle with a silhouette on a glass candle

    31. Or a Pet House candle, designed to cover up the inevitable wet dog smell your beloved pup brings into the house after frolicking around in the rain.

    a lit pet house candle

    32. A handheld roller massager you can use to pamper your pet — I'm sure their lives are suuuuuper stressful.

    33. A raised cat food bowl that'll prevent backflow and make them feel like they're dining at a five-paw establishment instead of your kitchen floor.

    a cat eating out of the raised white bowl with tiny paw prints on it

    34. A highly-rated cat scratcher/lounger with over 9.8K 5-star reviews so your kitty can live the lavish life they deserve.

    35. A soothing toy to help your furry friend cope with loneliness and anxiety in the cutest way possible.

    36. Personalized pet gift wrap you can use to take your holiday and birthday presents to the next level of adorable.

    37. An adorable polo shirt for when your pet wants to look extra polished (or like they just joined a fraternity).

    38. A delicate bangle starring your precious pet as the charm — a must-have for anyone looking for more sentimental accessories.

    39. A La-Z-Boy orthopedic sofa dog bed that'll have your pup feeling extra pampered while also providing them with some much-needed support from its ComfortCore Gel base. If only I could get one in a human size...

    a golden retriever laying in the bed comfortably

    40. Holiday cards featuring your pet, because the only thing cuter than pictures of animals are ones of them dressed up to meet Santa Claus.

    41. A hilarious portrait of your pet in royal garb — the piece of home decor you didn't know you needed.

    42. A stuffed Yoda toy that'll keep you pup entertained while you indulge in the new season of The Mandalorian.

    a german shepard chewing on a green, brown, and beige stuffed Yoda toy

    Hope you enjoy shopping for these paw-fect items!

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