28 Times Pixar Took It Wayyyy Too Far And Seriously Disturbed Their Viewers

    Cars 2 has a literal torture scene.

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    Recently, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to share what moment in a Pixar movie or short they felt was super dark. Here are some of their responses!

    Note: Spoilers ahead! Also, there are mentions of suicide and depression.

    1. In The Incredibles when it literally started with a guy trying to kill himself:

    Mr. Incredible jumps to save a man jumping off the top of a building

    2. In Brave when Merida's mother started to forget her and become a bear forever:

    Merida says she doesn't understand as her mom's eyes begin to change to a bear's

    3. In Onward when Ian gave up his chance to see his dad so Barley could, then had to watch the reunion through a crack in the rocks:

    Ian watching his dead glow and reunite with Barley
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    4. In Lava when the volcano entirely sank and accepted that it would never find love:

    The volcano sinks underwater as the song says, "With no lava, his song was all gone. He filled the sea with his tears and watched his dream disappear"

    5. In Kitbull when we saw Kitbull being neglected:

    6. In The Incredibles when Mr. Incredible thought his entire family had died in a plane crash:

    Mrs. Incredible says over the radio that there are children aboard, and Mr. Incredible shouts "No!" Mirage says the target was destroyed

    7. And then immediately after when he threatened to kill Mirage:

    Mr. Incredible, holding Mirage, says he'll crush her, and Syndrome tells him to do it even though it sounds dark for him – instead, Mr. Incredible drops her

    8. In Soul when 22 became a lost soul and Joe realized the real "spark" was just a willingness to live:

    Joe asks 22 to listen, saying 22 is ready to live, but then 22 swallows him and he sees the inside of 22's mind, where 22 tells himself he's not good enough, he won't make it in the world, he's selfish, and no one wants him around

    9. In Ratatouille when Remy's dad took him to look at the dead rats in the poison shop:

    Remy's dad showing him the dead rats in traps at the poison shop

    10. In Cars 2 when one of the cars was tortured and killed:

    The car is told that there will be nothing to replace after the pulse, and then it explodes into flames

    11. In Monsters, Inc. when Sulley thought Boo had died:

    12. In Finding Nemo when Marlin lost all hope of rescuing Nemo and left Dory behind:

    Dory tells Marlin she doesn't want to forget, and he says he does, then leaves. Later, Dory is swimming in circles saying she doesn't know where she is or what's happening

    13. In The Incredibles when Syndrome died by being sucked into a jet turbine:

    14. In Coco when Miguel realized Ernesto had stolen Héctor's songs and murdered him:

    Héctor yells that Ernesto took everything from him, and he just wanted to go home. Ernesto says to Miguel, "I would hate to have you think,.." and Miguel says, "That you murdered Hector for his songs?"

    15. In A Bug’s Life when Hopper almost crushed Flick's head in front of all the ants:

    As the ants watch, Hopper puts his foot on Flick's head

    16. In Coco when Ernesto was trapped underneath the bell:

    The bell falls on Ernesto

    17. In The Incredibles when Helen thought Bob was cheating on her:

    Helen tells Bob she loves him and he says he loves her too, then drives away

    18. In Monsters, Inc. when the scream extractor was almost used on Boo:

    Rhe scream extractor is pushed closer to Boo

    19. In Toy Story when Woody saw all the disfigured toys:

    Woody sees the disfigured toys and looks horrified

    20. In Finding Nemo when Marlin lost his wife and almost all of his kids in the opening scene:

    Marlin swims into the cave calling for his wife and finds Nemo's egg, telling him it'll be alright

    21. In Toy Story 3 when the toys were almost incinerated:

    22. In Float when the father screamed at his son, asking why he couldn't be normal:

    The father drags his floating son and demands why he can't just be normal

    23. In Inside Out when Riley dealt with depression:

    Riley looks depressed on the bus; Fear says they can't make her feel anything

    24. In Ratatouille when the old woman tried to kill Remy and his family, and Remy almost got left behind and shot:

    The old woman with a gas mask on trying to shoot Remy as he paddles away

    25. In Up when Ellie and Carl decorated the nursery and then Ellie had a miscarriage:

    Ellie and Carl decorating the nursery, then Ellie crying at the doctor's

    26. In Toy Story 4 when Forky kept trying to throw himself in the trash:

    Forky yells that he's litter and jumps out the window as Woody looks on in shock, then goes after him and finds him stuck in the ground

    27. In Inside Out when Bing Bong was forgotten:

    28. And finally...the Pixar intro with the lamp:

    Got any more for us? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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