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    33 Problem-Solving Products That Actually Do What They Say They Will

    These products are out here serving the TRUTH.

    1. These hyaluronic acid and coconut water infused Garnier eye tissue masks that will reduce the apparence of fine lines and hydrate your skin — perfect for the morning after you stayed up way too late watching YouTube videos.

    2. This pre-seasoned cast iron skillet that you can make dinner and desserts in.

    3. This portable charger, so you never have to save battery by squinting at a low brightness screen in the sun again.

    4. This Vitamin C serum that will absorb right in and give you the glowing skin you've always wanted.

    5. This portable beard straightening brush that will keep unruly facial hair looking schmick AF.

    6. This makeup bag that's perfect for those of us (ahem — me) who have a hard time packing their makeup away after using it.

    7. This foot peel mask, which will make your calloused and dry feet as soft a baby's bum in a week.

    8. This Fire TV Stick that plugs into your TV, so that you can binge-watch all your favourite shows and YouTube videos non-stop, because what else are you going to do?

    9. This scalp shampoo brush that will detangle your hair, but also massage your scalp, which not only feels phenomenal, but stimulates hair growth.

    10. This rotating makeup organiser, so that you don't end up buying the same lipstick shade three times because it's fallen to the back of your drawer.

    11. These high-waisted yoga pants that will make your home workouts (or TV binge-watching) so much more comfortable.

    12. This Aztec Secret Healing Clay that I encourage you to try if you have problematic skin.

    13. And these silicone face mask brushes, so you don't waste half your precious goo applying the mask with your fingers.

    14. These resistant sport bands that will make training a little more fulfilling.

    15. This sliding shelf that's perfect for the gap beside your fridge, which also makes it a great hiding spot.

    16. This hot air brush that makes it easy for you to give yourself volume and dry your hair without it getting poofy as heck.

    17. This magic double-sided tape that doesn't leave any sticky residue on your walls or surfaces, but can be used to free up space in your kitchen or bathroom.

    18. This eco-friendly surface cleaner that works harder than Kris Jenner.

    19. This body fat scale that you can connect to your phone, so you can understand the ins and outs of your body.

    20. This face shaver, which is so much less painful than waxing or threading.

    21. These ~UV lights~ that are essentially the luxury treatment your house plants have always deserved.

    22. These Cosrx acne pimple patches because you don't have the energy for a skincare routine, but also don't want pimples.

    23. This handheld milk frother, so you can finally enjoy Dalgona coffee without your arm aching for three days after.

    24. This dog harness with a clip on the front, so that you won't be dragged along the footpath during walks.

    25. This electronic blackhead remover that will clear out your pores better than any mask or acne wash.

    26. This eco-friendly pet hair roller that doesn't need any sheets or refills, so you can use it again and again without having to break out the vacuum cleaner.

    27. This vegan shampoo and conditioner that will stimulate hair growth, so you can stop stressing about your hair falling out.

    28. This all-in-one mandoline slicer, so you can save time when you've only got one night to make 12 meals.

    29. This bag that promises to preserve the bunch of bananas you bought that you still haven't used for anything yet.

    30. These stretchy silicone lids that are leak proof, heat proof, highly durable and will fit on virtually anything.

    31. These vacuum bags will suck the air out of spare sheets, towels and pillows, so you can fit more in and avoid having overstuffed cupboards.

    32. This menstrual cup that will minimise waste, as well as the ridiculous amount of money women are expected to pay for something they can't control.

    33. And finally, this cord organiser, because I know all your cords are currently lying on the ground in a hot mess.