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    31 Things That'll Help You Save Time Now *And* Later

    A grooming glove that won't just save you time, but might actually get your cat to like you for five whole minutes?? Sold.

    1. A detangling brush with an easy-to-hold handle that's so effective on all hair types that it's amassed over 4,000 5-star reviews on Amazon — people swear by it for detangling fast without pulling and damaging hair, so you'll win back those ten minutes you usually spend going "ow OW ow ow" in front of the mirror each morning.

    2. A grooming glove for cats and dogs that will get the job done FAST, and spare you future cleanup digging mountains of hair out of the carpet to boot.

    A reviewer holding the glove full of cat hair next to their cat

    3. A bunch of Miracle-Gro "food spikes" that can bring plants knocking at death's door back to life without you having to change the soil or figure out a new watering regimen for it, and will continuously feed them for 30 to 60 days.

    A model pressing a food spike into a plant's soil

    4. A hair-finishing cream for taking care of those little wisps and flyaways that don't quite make it into your ponytail in a few seconds flat.

    5. A fume-free oven cleaner to save you scrubbing time by loosening up all the stains and gunk overnight. It's gentle enough that you don't need protective gloves to use it, but tough enough that it'll erase the evidence of all your baking misadventures, past, present, and future.

    6. A broom for pet and human hair that can work on any type of floor, but is specifically designed to pull it up from the carpet deeper than even a lot of vacuums can reach, so you won't have to spend hours un-clumping it by hand.

    7. A streak-free anti-fog spray you can quickly apply to eyeglasses, sunglasses, and face shields to spare you the time finagling your face mask so it won't fog them up, plus the time of having to wipe them down every few minutes when it inevitably doesn't work.

    A reviewer image of a person wearing unfogged glasses with their face mask holding up the spray

    8. A jewelry-cleaning stick with cleansing solution on a brush designed specifically to get in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry, saving you time in the short run *and* the long run when you can skip going to the jeweler for a fancy cleaning.

    9. A set of Bottle Bright tablets so you can tackle all those stains on your bottles and travel mugs in a flash, then have leftover tablets to clean 'em all over again when the day inevitably comes.

    A before shot of a dirty mug, a during shot of it in bubbling water, and an after shot of it looking shiny and new

    10. A HyperChiller to instantly transform any hot or room-temperature beverage into an ice cold one, whether it's fresh coffee or rosé you forgot to cool down (happens to the best of us). Sorry, fridge. You can sit this one out.

    11. A nifty Beard Bib that suctions itself to the mirror and helps trap beard hairs before they hit the floor, saving you the time and effort of collecting the hair that missed the sink every morning.

    A model trimming their beard over a plastic "bib" that is attached to their neck and suctioned to the bathroom mirror

    12. A Makeup Eraser, a super soft face towel with two sides — one that can wipe off all your makeup with water and a light scrubbing, and another that exfoliates your skin — so you can knock a few steps out of your routine every night in one go.

    13. A pet-urine stain removing spray that instantly tackles both old and new stains *plus* the funky smell, so you can enjoy the new quality time you might be getting with your pet without sacrificing your nostrils.

    A person spraying the bottle on a carpet

    14. An avocado slicer to not only make slicing so easy and fast every time, but also make it so ~aesthetically pleasing~ that you won't be able to resist the siren song of posting it to Instagram.

    15. A set of airtight glass meal prep containers that are safe in the oven and the microwave, meaning you can cook, store, reheat, and eat out of 'em all in one go, sparing your future self more cleanups than you can count.

    16. A battery-operated depiller you can use on sweaters, socks, and bedding to suck all the gunky fabric up instead of spending eons going to town on them with a lint roller.

    17. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk in your sink in one go, meaning you won't have to wait eight years for the sink to drain anymore.

    18. A rapid egg cooker so you can cook a week's worth of breakfast eggs in a matter of minutes, whether you want a good old-fashioned hard boil or like 'em a little runnier. Breakfast just got a WHOLE lot faster every day of the week.

    An egg cooker with a transparent dome plastic top, where six eggs are cooking inside

    19. A set of itty bitty eyebrow razors you can use to take care of those lil' unibrow hairs that take forever to snag with your tweezers (and also work well on whatever face fuzzies you might want to take care of in a gentle way).

    A reviewer holding up the razor

    20. A Squatty Potty, one of those internet-famous stools you can put at the base of your toilet to prop your feet up on while you ~go~. The placement helps align your colon to make the process a whole lot easier and faster — like, 20 seconds compared to several minutes! — so you don't end up watching all of TikTok while you're waiting yourself out.

    A model sitting on the toilet with their feet propped up on the white stool underneath it

    21. A jewelry helper to clasp your bracelet for you in record time, instead of spending a full five minutes doing a bunch of wrist wiggles and straining your thumb like your hand's been possessed by a ghost.

    A reviewer using the helper to clasp their bracelet with one hand

    22. An "Angry Mama" microwave cleaner that uses vinegar and water to blow hot steam into your microwave oven and loosen up all the old food and stains in a mere seven minutes, and help clean up any future microwave shenanigans, too.

    The Angry Mama figurine posted next to a clean microwave

    23. An smudgeproof eyeliner stamp so you can finally get the perfect cat-eye on the first go without having to ~wing it~ (read: wasting eight cotton balls, half a bottle of eye makeup remover, and all of the minutes you were setting aside to make your morning coffee).

    24. A UV-light sanitizer to quickly and easily decontaminate your reusable face masks so you don't have to wait for another load of wash to get them back in action. (Psst — this is intended for phones, but works for face masks, gloves, and other small items you touch on the reg.)

    A white rectangular santizer with a phone in it

    25. A dry shampoo spray that helps absorb excess oil and give your roots so much oomph that you won't have to come up with some elaborate hairdo to hide them (or go through the whole shebang of washing your hair again).

    26. A silicone baking mat for your sheet pan, so you can roast big batches of veggies with all your favorite sauces and seasonings without greasing up a whole pan and doing a massive scrub of it later.

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan

    27. An orange peeler that will spare your poor fingernails the "ick" of hand peeling (and pulling orange remnants out of them for the next hour) by quickly slicing through the skin.

    A model using the small tool to cut an orange

    28. A dual hair dryer and brush to dry your hair as you style it, cutting your prep time in half and giving your locks an incredible amount of volume and shine.

    29. Plus a blow-drying spray designed for faster drying, so you can cut your hair-drying time by as much as HALF. It's also heat protective and helps detangle, smooth, and soften hair.

    30. A pineapple cutter that will peel, core, and slice up your fruit in a matter of seconds, so you can stop ~pining~ for your pineapple and start adding it to your dishes for an unexpected tangy twist.

    A cored pineapple next to perfectly chopped fruit

    31. A Lay-n-Go cosmetic bag – it fans out to become a mat, saving you time on the packing *and* unpacking end of using it.

    You thinking about all the time you just saved, present and future:

    Looking for more great Amazon finds? Check out some of our favorite cheap things to buy on Amazon, some of the weirdest things on Amazon you might actually want, or read through all the rest of our incredible Amazon product recommendations.

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