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21 Ways To Make Your Hangover A Little Less Miserable

If you're reading this, chances are you've just woken up in a haze wondering how you got home and why there's a hardcore metal band using your head as their drum kit.

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1. Water. Period. If you're hungover AF it means you're super dehydrated, so try a water infused with electrolytes to put some pep back in your step.

2. Sleep that shit off! Time will really help mitigate the side effects of an epic night out, and the best way to spend that time is sleeping. Try a black-out sleep mask to make sure you get uninterrupted rest.

3. Add an electrolyte-infused powder to your water like Liquid I.V. — it'll give you the potassium, sodium, and glucose your body needs to get hydrated.

4. If you can stomach it, eat a really solid breakfast. Get a breakfast sandwich maker for those mornings when you just need a ham, egg, and cheese but leaving the house...well, that's not happening.

5. Wash it off! Nothing is worse for a hangover than the stench and stickiness hangin' around from the previous night's venue — so try a relaxing body wash in a lovely bath or shower to help you cope.

6. Pickle juice can actually be a great way to restore the electrolytes and minerals your body needs after a night of drinking — and the great thing about these pops is you can have them frozen!

7. If you don't have the luxury being in bed all day while agonizing over your pain, you might need a little caffeine boost to help jolt you awake; these single-serve packets of coffee will do the trick.

8. A lil' V8 Bloody Mary Mix for some hair of the dog to keep the party going, because you can't suffer from a hangover if you're still drunk! Just remember — there are only a limited number of cocktails society deems appropriate to drink before noon, and a rich AF Bloody Mary is one of them!

9. Try getting the dose of electrolytes you need with Pedialyte — if it works for screaming kids, why wouldn't it work with you?

10. Blowfish combines caffeine and aspirin to help with the severity of your worst hangover ever.

11. If your hangover is causing you some serious nausea you might want to try snacking on some regular ol' saltines!

12. Get rid of some of the evidence of last night's shenanigans with an ice roller — it'll help depuff, may help heal your headache, and provide you with soothing relief.

13. Alka-Seltzer can provide a great relief from the stomach pains, headaches, and body aches often left behind after a night of debauchery.

14. PartySmart uses extracts from chicory, andrographis, grapes, and date palms to help you speed up elimination of acetaldehyde from your liver, which builds up when you consume alcohol and makes you feel like trash.

15. If you're really serious about waging a war against your hangover, you need to get your hands on some menudo — and I'm not just talking about the Ricky Martin variety.

16. Or just have some motherf#@%ing Pizza Hut, because they'll deliver cheesy deliciousness to your door when even rolling out of bed seems like an impossible task.

17. As a surprise to no one who has ever partied harder than they can handle, Gatorade is a great way to replenish the electrolytes your body spent the night before — not your bank account tho, sorry.

18. If all you feel is the throbbing pains left over from a legendary night, try some Advil — or any ibuprofen to help you deal with the current construction site that is your head.

19. Some pure AF coconut water to help you get that hydration AND feel like you're on vacation too!

20. Work it off with some exercise. If you're just not up for leaving the house, try this fit board that lets you work it out from the comfort of your home.

21. And, if you can, get laid — or grab your favorite adult toy, because let's be real: an orgasm is gonna clear up a headache IMMEDIATELY. That’s just science.

Hopefully these will all make the day after a little less this:

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