I Dieted And Worked Out With Celebrity Trainer Patrick Murphy For 4 Months — Here's Everything I Learned

    Quick weight cuts are one thing, but a lifestyle change is a whole different challenge.

    Alright, let's do this one last time. My name is Christopher Hudspeth. In 2017, I tried to get a “Baywatch body” with Zac Efron’s trainer, Patrick Murphy. For two months, I ate clean and worked out hard until I was as ripped as I’d ever been.

    So, I gained some of the weight back UNTIL October of 2018 when I worked out with Michael B. Jordan’s trainer, Corey Calliet for 30 days and got in shape like Creed.

    It wasn’t the extra pounds that bothered me, but the way I felt after eating so much junk food on a regular basis. My diet made me lethargic throughout the day, and it made my workouts less intense. In general, I just felt kinda bleh.

    I hit up Patrick Murphy who, despite having super-famous clients like Zac Efron, Keanu Reeves, and Aubrey Plaza, was kind enough to work with me again. The first order of business was coming up with the ideal plan for me.

    Here's what we did for the diet:

    The goal was to find a way to eat mostly healthy while also allowing myself to enjoy the things I like eating/drinking that aren’t particularly clean. (I think they have a name for that, too: It’s called” balance” or something.)

    I wasn't struggling to get in the gym six times a week, but to ignore the voice in my head, heart, and stomach when it told me it wanted sushi, or chocolate, or not broccoli.

    Here were my three favorite go-to treats when I wanted sweets. I highly recommend these to anyone else suffering from I-need-dessert-after-every-meal-itis.

    I was also very fortunate to have a ton of healthy meals provided by Trifecta Nutrition, which supplemented me with a much-needed variety of tastes throughout the months of eating my own cooking repeatedly. The cost of Trifecta's plans vary depending on how many meals one wants, but the weekly plans begin at $108.43.

    Here are some tips I wish I'd known from the start of this experience:

    Also, being fully transparent here — I cheated. Like, A LOT.

    Alright, let’s move on to the workout aspect. For the entirety of this experience, I followed the same schedule:

    As I said earlier, I lifted heavy for the first couple months and then went lighter for the last two using rep schemes from Patrick Murphy's "Show & Go" fitness plan.

    Within a few weeks I definitely felt the added weight and noticed a visible difference. Here’s a photo from about 7 weeks into the bulking process:

    Next up, it was time for cutting down and leaning out, which I can only sum up as fast. The pace of the workouts was faster, the weight dropped faster than it’d been put on, and the speeds I was able to sprint during cardio was faster. Below is the intense sprint scheme Patrick had me doing:

    It's worth noting that I did more traveling during this stretch than I've ever done before. Many of these workouts took place in hotel gyms, like this one from back when I was bulking.

    Toward the end of the cut, I saw more definition — but MORE importantly, I felt energized and strong. I didn’t feel weak or uncomfortably light as I previously had when doing weight cuts.