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The trolls and haters will tell you that Derek Jeter doesn't deserve the adulation. But they're not just wrong, they're sad.

Chris Luther 9 years ago

6 Reasons To See PITFeed: The Annoying People Of Facebook

Love lists but grow tired of the tediousness of reading? PITfeed takes NYC’s best musicians, comedians, writers and actors and makes BuzzFeed happen …IN REAL LIFE. This article will figuratively be the last thing you ever have to read...EVER.

Chris Luther 10 years ago

6 Reasons To See PITFeed In NYC On January 30th

PITfeed takes NYC's best musicians, comedians, writers and actors and makes BuzzFeed happen ...IN REAL LIFE. (Not like the plot of Weird Science... but almost as sexy.)

Chris Luther 10 years ago

5 WWE Little Guys Who Made It Big

In honor of WWE's current top story line of the tiny "troll-ish" Daniel Bryan defying the odds to become number one contender for John Cena's WWE Title, lets take a look at the top former Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight Champions who went on to hold the Big Boy Titles.

Chris Luther 10 years ago

Wrestlers Who Are Probably Smarter Than You: Raven

While their profession is stereotyped as the land of hulking uneducated men, there are many current and former professional wrestlers who aren't just tougher than you, they're also probably smarter than you. In this many part series, I'll be highlighting them for you.

Chris Luther 10 years ago

7 Stories From The Last Week That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity (5/21/13)

Each week amazing, beautiful and great things happen in this world. However, if you only read the headlines, you might believe otherwise. You have to dig deep to find the good news and, in this busy world, that isn’t always easy. So each week I’ll find the good news for you.

Chris Luther 10 years ago

7 Great Things That Happened Last Week (5/14/13)

Each week amazing, beautiful and great things happen in this world. However, if you only read the headlines, you might believe otherwise. You have to dig deep to find the good news and, in this busy world, that isn't always easy. So each week I'll do it for you... with my own little spin, of course.

Chris Luther 11 years ago

Solid 7: Types Of Oblivious People Slowly Driving Us All Insane

I'm half asian and was once called a chink to my face by a stranger. I let it go based on the idea that, "hey, some people are just ignorant." Sometimes things are just worth letting go. Other times, more severe things happen that you just can't let go. Deplorable things. Horrific things such as waiting all year for a McDonalds Shamrock Shake (or Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte if you're richer than me) and some oblivious person cuts in front of you in line and OMG YOU STAB THEM IN THE THROAT... Or at least fantasize about it until you fall asleep. Here are 7 oblivious people slowly driving all of us insane.

Chris Luther 11 years ago

MLB Academy Awards

Pitchers and Catchers report in less than a month, so that could only mean one thing... Hollywood Awards Season! So as the movie industry relives the year that was, cleanse your brain of all that Football and get a refresher on all the MLB stuff you probably forgot... Oscars style.

Chris Luther 11 years ago

A Salute To Swisher

Nick Swisher has played his last game as a Yankee. While his numbers will be hard to replace, it's the man himself Yankee fans will miss the most.

Chris Luther 11 years ago

Power Rankings Through Tuesday May 19th, 2009

This is an incredibly old Power Rankings. Please disregard it unless I sent you the link. I'm only posting this for a super cool reason that I can't share with you because of how cool it is.

Chris Luther 11 years ago

Socially Awful Adam

That moment when you make a joke and wonder "was that offensive?" For Adam, that moment is always.

Chris Luther 11 years ago