28 Of The Best "Saturday Night Live" Characters Of All Time

    Drunk Uncle, at your service.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their favorite Saturday Night Live sketches. Here are the hilarious results.

    1. The Spartan Cheerleaders

    2. Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker

    3. Debbie Downer

    4. Sue (who loves surprises)

    5. Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb

    6. The Festrunk Brothers

    7. Chippendales Dancers

    8. Roger and Virginia Klarvin (from "Love-ahs in the Hot Tub")

    9. Stefon

    10. Gilly

    11. The Various "-Ville" Characters

    12. Alex Trebek

    13. Phillip the Hyper-Hypo

    14. Drunk Uncle

    15. The Samurai

    16. The Gap Girls

    17. Kaitlin

    18. Garth and Kat

    19. Mister Robinson

    20. Gene Frenkle (from "More Cowbell")

    21. Wayne and Garth (from "Wayne's World")

    22. Roseanne Rosannadanna

    23. Nadeen

    24. Target Lady

    25. Diondre Cole and Co. (from "What Up With That?")

    26. The Californians

    27. Enid Strict, The Church Lady

    28. Mary Katherine Gallagher

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