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35 Things From 2007 You Would Never Do Today

RIP Facebook credits.

1. Listing your age as 99 years old on Myspace.

2. Wearing shutter shades.

3. Being *invested* in this relationship.

4. Thinking they were going *to last.*

5. Having a Blackberry and saying you "couldn't live" without it.

6. Wanting an iPhone but being unable to get it because they had that exclusive deal with AT&T or something.

7. Carrying an iPod and your phone because you needed two devices to play music.

8. Buying ringtones...

9. ...and of course, recording your ringtone off the radio.

10. Yelling “Don’t tase me, bro!” whenever you goofed around with your friends.

11. Hating on Twilight books.

12. Feeling like an insider 'cause you watched Myspace Secret Shows.

13. Teen pregnancy, in general.

14. The Black Eyed Peas, in general.

15. Mailing Netflix envelopes.

16. Singing this song:

17. Or this song:

18. Wanting a white Macbook...

19. ...and then spending hours playing with Photo Booth.

20. Rating YouTube videos with stars.

21. Appropriating keffiyeh scarves (that you bought at Urban).

22. Wearing super-cropped vests.

23. The Secret.

24. Reading "Perez."

25. Emailing Rickrolling videos to your friends — 'cause LOL.

26. Trying to figure out who the fuck was Gossip Girl.

27. Taking selfies in front of a mirror with an actual camera.

28. Clothing with skulls.

29. Being the first person to write on your friend’s Facebook Wall…

30. …and also sending them virtual gifts.

31. Bumper stickers.

32. Pointless groups.

33. Making Facebook groups for lost phones.

34. Making your best friends your siblings.

35. And, of course, having "poking wars" for absolutely no reason.