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Tell Us The Strong Movie Opinions You Have That No One Can Change Your Mind About

The world doesn't need more Shrek movies, and that's that.

Recently, I wrote a post where I shared movie opinions I strongly believe — ones no one could convince me to change.

And, while people generally agreed with me, there were some opinions I had that were more divisive.

But now I am wondering: What are movie opinions that you strongly believe, that also might not be popular?

Perhaps you're like me and think that The Rise of Skywalker is better than all of the prequel movies.

Maybe you can't stand Clueless and think Mean Girls is a way better high school movie.

Perhaps you think Ben Affleck was the best Batman and he got unfairly piled on.

Or just maybe you don't get the hype around Toy Story 3, and think that they should have stopped at the second film.

Tell us your strong opinion you have about a movie and WHY you're so passionate about it! Your response could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post.