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20 Details I Guarantee You Didn't Notice In "The Last Jedi" That Will Blow Your Mind

Turns out Holdo's not a natural lavender and Kylo's really into calligraphy.

Hello. We're Crystal, Brian, and Allie, and we're all huge STAR WARS NERDS! Recently we picked up the book Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Visual Dictionary, which was chock-full of little details and tidbits that you might not know were incorporated into the film. Also, it answered some questions we had about the film!

Here are some our favorite things we learned thanks to the book (spoilers ahead):

1. Leia's hairstyle is called an "Alderaanian mourning braid."

2. Darth Vader's helmet was on General Hux's ship the Finalizer during the entire film.

3. Admiral Raddus (from Rogue One) and Admiral Ackbar were contemporaries who often did not see eye to eye.

Also, the Resistance's cruiser the Raddus is named after Admiral Raddus. It was Ackbar who got the ship named after him.

4. C-3PO isn't entirely useless — he coordinates the activities of Resistance spy droids.

5. The idea for the First Order to be able to track ships through hyperspace originated from a secret Imperial think tank named the "Tarkin Initiative."

6. Vice Admiral Holdo wears the outfit she does (instead of a uniform) as a sign of her devotion to her home planet, Gatalenta — which is known for its independent spirit.

7. The reason Snoke recruited Ben Solo was because he thought only someone with Skywalker blood could kill Luke.

8. Snoke wears a ring with a stone that was mined from the catacombs beneath Darth Vader's castle on Mustafar.

9. The door to Luke's hut on Ahch-To was made from a piece of the wing to his T-65 X-wing.

10. The location of Luke's new Jedi Temple was a complete secret to everyone, except for his students.

11. Porgs and Lanais are distant relatives.

12. It was actually Bail Organa who originally discovered Crait (the planet in the film's finale) during the early days of the Rebellion.

13. While Finn was in recovery, Poe stitched up the tear on the right-hand shoulder of his jacket (which was cut by Kylo's lightsaber in Force Awakens).

14. Kaydel Connix (Billie Lourd), was promoted from an operations controller in Force Awakens to lieutenant in Last Jedi.

15. Poe Dameron wears his late mother's wedding ring on a necklace.

16. The bombs Paige Tico dropped weren't really "dropped" — instead, they used electromagnetic plates to be drawn to their targets.

17. Snoke had eight Praetorian guards — specifically, four sets of pairs, with each pair trained to use the same weapons.

18. There's a metal plate on DJ's hat that says "Don't Join," which is also the source of his nickname.

19. Captain Phasma's chromium-plated armor was made from an Imperial yacht that once belonged to Emperor Palpatine.

20. And finally, Ben Solo was really into calligraphy.