
Oct 2015
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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on 15 People Share The Most Spoiled Thing They've Heard Someone Say, And I'm Honestly Speechless

    I overheard a dude trying to explain to his friends that the amount of money his dad had just given him wasn’t a big deal. They kept saying that it was a big deal and his defense was ‘look, it’s not that much to him, it’s like less than it costs him to fuel his jet!!!’ I also overheard… 


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on Servers, What Are The Most Annoying Things Customers Do In Restaurants?

    Oh! I had a huge group come in and it was big enough that the parents were at one table, and the kids were at a separate table. I’m pretty sure it was a girls softball team celebrating with some but not all of the parents present. So, when I was wiping off a table near by I heard… 


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on Servers, What Are The Most Annoying Things Customers Do In Restaurants?

    Right?!?!?! I started doing this: ‘Hi, how are you all today?’ ‘Iced tea’ ‘Yes, but how are you doing? You ok?’ I will do that until they realize that they should respond like a human being is asking them a freakin question. Most of the time they are like, ‘oh, umm, I’m ok thanks...’… 


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on Servers, What Are The Most Annoying Things Customers Do In Restaurants?

    I really don’t understand when parents let their children tear open all the sugar packets and throw them everywhere, same goes for letting and even laughing in enjoyment, when they empty the salt or pepper from the shakers on the table and/or floor. There’s some sort of horribly dismissive… 


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on 19 Teachers Who Caught Students Cheating So, So Creatively



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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on 19 Teachers Who Caught Students Cheating So, So Creatively

    I had a paper due, and the final assignment for the paper was turning in your handwritten first draft, a handwritten second draft and then a typed final draft (this was long ago enough that only rich people had computers at home), well... I was poor, poor but still somehow had a computer… 


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on 18 "Eating Sins" People Have Witnessed That Scarred Them For Life

    I know it’s a food post but I used to have nba players that would come in and order Louis XIII cognac and Dr Pepper. Louis XIII can go for anywhere from $80 to $300, due to vintage and special release. Mixing it with Dr Pepper is literally a baller move but at the very same time a… 


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on What Are Your Unpopular "Grey's Anatomy" Opinions?

    Meredith is the worrrrst. I don’t feel for her character but I appreciate her character.


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on What's The Wildest Or Weirdest Thing That Happened To You On Spring Break?

    My BFF and I were going to South Padre for spring break and we messed up our directions and ended up at the border entering Mexico. We were like why are all the cars lined up here? Is it a weigh station? Why are there Mexican flags?


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  • audlyprzyyy's avatar

    audlyprzyyy commented on What's Your Unpopular Food Opinion?

    Fun fact...the bacteria Brevibacterium is the bacteria that makes feet smell that way AND it happens to be the same bacteria used to ripen cheese! Your nose knows stuff, it’s not a coincidence!


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