17 Jokes That Only The Smartest People Will Get

    "Who is the Rorschach guy, and why is he always drawing pictures of my parents fighting?!"

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to send us their funniest "smart" jokes. Here's their knee-slapping collection:

    1. This joke for English majors:

    2. This geometric joke:

    3. This literary/cinematic pun combo:

    4. This bit of psychology humor:

    5. This linguistic joke:

    6. And this numerical one:

    7. This joke about the fuzziest lil' paradox:

    8. And this one, which adds even more quantum physics into the mix:

    9. This chemistry pun:

    10. And this one:

    11. This clever bit:

    12. This joke for those who know binary code:

    13. This biological pun:

    14. This joke for all the philosophers out there:

    15. This mathematical joke:

    16. This pun based in classic literature:

    17. And finally, this long but hilarious tale:

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