We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    50 Products With Such Good Reviewer Photos, You’ll Pull A Kevin McCallister And Jaw Drop In Amazement

    No booby traps here, just products with *really* great results.

    1. A bottle of Folex spot remover to make even the toughest of stains disappear from furniture, carpets, and other fabric surfaces. (And yes, that includes red wine stains, don't worry.)

    a reviewer's red-stained couch
    the asme reviewer's couch now clean

    Promising review: "I've been using this spot/stain remover for about 10 years now. It really is magic. I've removed numerous stains and spots with it over the years, and have only come across two stains that it would not remove. Unfortunately I don't know what the stains were caused by, so can't pass that along. I've used it on both carpet and upholstery and it has never changed the color of either. I would definitely test it on an inconspicuous area first though, as the directions state. And it's so easy to use: spray some on the stain, agitate it with your fingertips, then blot dry with a cloth or paper towel. You may have to let it sit on tougher stains for a few minutes before agitating and blotting, but I only had to do that once or twice. Definitely recommend." —Alex

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    2. Biotin shampoo made specifically to moisturize your scalp and promote hair growth! It includes ingredients like biotin, keratin, and zinc that are known to work wonders for hair.

    Read more about how biotin shampoo could help with the fullness of hair at Cleveland Clinic

    Promising reviews: "This shampoo is like NOTHING I've ever tried in the past. The way my 4c hair comes out after using this is INCREDIBLE. Soft easy to comb and super manageable. I've been using it for two years!" —Jae

    "I have had problems with my hair for YEARS. ALWAYS OILY, ALWAYS looking unkept. This shampoo has been an absolute miracle for me! I look totally different if I don't use this shampoo so I wash my hair everyday with it now or it gets oily again. I have looked for so long. I have fine straight hair [1a/1b] with a lot of it. I have a lot of deficiencies. Seriously, just try it."  —Charlotte

    "I am a woman with long 3c curls and coils, I had been through a lot of stress and it caused hair breakage and thinning... This is a great shampoo for breakage and hair stress thinning. The very first thing I noticed is a pleasant clean scent, not overpowering, not too medicinal smelling, doesn’t linger to effect your overall scent. The second thing is, when you require a lot of conditioning for dry or frizzy hair you get a lot of buildup, but you don’t want to use a strong shampoo because it will strip your hair of necessary oil and knot up. This cleaned away the buildup but felt so natural and gentle, no extra knotting, and my hair texture felt so much better...After the first week I noticed a definite decline in breakage and fall out. The longer you use it the stronger your hair gets. I’ve finished my first bottle now, and while my longer hair feels better, my roots feel thicker and stronger like when I was a teenager and it was super healthy." —Kristina

    Get it from Amazon for $10.76.

    3. The Pink Stuff multipurpose paste and spray, a bestselling cleaning solution for those hard-to-get stains, dirt, and rust spots around the house. Both the spray and the paste work for everything from bathtubs and stove tops to tennis shoes and crayon-covered walls.

    A reviewer's sneaker soles before covered in dirt and after white and clean
    A reviewer's oven door half covered in gunk, labeled

    This bundle comes with the original cleaning paste and a multipurpose spray.

    Promising review: "WOW!!!! This stuff is amazing. I literally just have to spray it, let it sit for a few minutes, come back, and depending on what I’m using it for, I either wipe it and it comes right off, or I just use a scrubbing pad and it comes off. There’s nothing out there that is anywhere in comparison to this product!!!! This stuff is the absolute best. I highly recommend purchasing this. I can tell you that half of my cleaning products are now going to be thrown out because all I need is The Pink Stuff. Whoever invented this stuff is an absolute genius; if you’re a clean freak like me, this really is the way to go. Also it doesn’t have that nasty chemical smell; it smells great. Just buy it; you won’t regret it." —Twin33

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    4. Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind concealer that will make those dark circles disappear almost instantly. No more "you look tired" comments over here!

    Promising review: "This is the best under eye product I’ve ever used. I found it on a BuzzFeed list. It’s so cheap, too! After foundation, I use this and then add foundation over top. It’s awesome!!" —Brandie Collins

    Get it from Amazon for $8.80 (available in 18 shades).

    5. A hairbrush cleaning tool perfectly designed to get every piece of dust, hair, and dander build up out of those bristles. *Immediately adds to cart*

    A reviewer's hairbrush full of dirt and hair
    The same hairbrush clean so you can actually see the base

    The pointed end of the tool is ideal for picking out tangles, the stiff bristles work great at removing dust and dirt, and the bristles at the bottom end of the tool can give your hairbrush a deep clean.

    Promising review: "When I bought this I was really skeptical. I am grossed out by my hairbrush and clean it all the time. I've soaked it in vinegar and tea tree oil, used a toothbrush, scrubbed it with shampoo, picked it clean by hand — everything you can think of. Still, it's so hard to get the little lint that forms at the base of the brush — they don't dissolve off and you have to pick them off the bristles one by one because a toothbrush won't even break them up. This thing works amazingly. I don't know why, it just does — the particular texture of the bristles on this really grabs everything. It scraped the little lint rings right off and now my brush is cleaner, 10 times as fast." —HeartsofHavoc

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    6. A suede and leather brush to get rid of those annoying scuffs and salt lines on your shoes, bags, and coats. No, you don't need to throw out and replace your favorite things with this thing at home!

    reviewer shows a pair of sandals with suede soles, one has a dirty foot outline and the other is clean after using the brush
    a reviewer shows Uggs after using the brush

    Promising reviews: "This brush is amazing. My daughter went puddle jumping in her boots [Uggs pictured above]. They dried out while I was trying to figure out how to clean them. Saw the reviews on this and ordered right away. Holy cow they look almost new. I cleaned all my boots too because I was so excited. Even ones I thought looked clean were much improved. I washed the brush with dish soap and water and let dry between pairs." —TRW

    "This brush saved my shoes! I posted before and after photos so you can see the difference. My shoes were light pink with big noticeable stains on the sides. I just brushed it on the same direction until the stains wore off." —Lissette Castillo

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    7. A tube of the bestselling Lash Princess mascara for dramatically long lashes without the price of extensions or false strips. This mascara has over 144,000 5-star reviews for a reason!

    BuzzFeed editor showing one eye with no mascara and the other with mascara looking much more voluminous and full
    BuzzFeed editor showing a close up view of the difference
    Kayla Boyd / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Kayla Boyd swears by this mascara and said: "As someone who isn't a big fan of false lashes (the glue irritates my eyes and I'm terrible at applying them) this budget-friendly holy grail does the trick for both lengthening and volumizing my lashes. It uses a conic shape fiber brush to help the mascara apply evenly without getting too clumpy. Plus, it's cruelty-free!" Peep more deets in her full Essence Lash Princess mascara review.

    Promising review: "I have tried every single expensive mascara and this one tops them all. Sometimes I use a different wand with the formula but I will still buy this over anything else. I saw it in a BuzzFeed article and bought it based on all the positive reviews. I love it, my roommates use it all the time, crowd fave for sure, and it even stays on when you need it to, doesn't flake, and with a makeup wipe isn't impossible to get off." —schyler

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    8. A storage lid organizer so the clutter of the Tupperware drawer immediately disappears (you know the one!). This organizer is also adjustable so it perfectly fits the size and amount of lids you have.

    a reviewer's messy lid drawer before
    the same reviewer's drawer now with organized lids

    The dividers are adjustable so you can customize your set depending on what size containers you have!

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small biz that makes ingenious home and kitchen storage solutions.

    Promising review: "I love, love, love this storage container. Sounds silly, but it changed my life. No longer do I have storage container Jenga! No more stuff falling out of the cabinet every time I open the cupboard. Now I can stack my lids in the organizer and my storage containers fit nicely on the shelf, and I have a lot of storage containers. I would definitely buy this again and again. Great product." —Laura H.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in four sizes).

    9. Sunny & Honey Carpet Miracle cleaner for those stains you'd never thought would come out. Whether it's food, wine, or just a high-traffic area — this cleaner will give you professional-level results.

    This carpet cleaner is from a family-run small business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets!

    Promising review: "I cannot believe how incredible this carpet cleaner is!! I have four dogs, five kids, and a large home with very light carpet. This carpet cleaner literally is magic. It has gotten out red wine, coffee, raspberry stain on white carpet, old urine stains that were found WAY after the fact, and the list goes on and on. I use it in a spray bottle as a pretreat to shampooing and most often the stain is completely gone before I even shampoo it. When I say gone…I mean GONE! And that’s with no scrubbing. It disappears like magic! To say that I’d buy it again is such an understatement. I can’t be without it!!" —Angela Raab

    Get it from Amazon for $20.99 (available in two sizes and three scents).

    10. A produce-saver storage container specifically designed to keep your fruits and veggies fresh waaay longer. The days of tossing out half full fruit containers will be long gone.

    fresh raspberries on day one
    still fresh raspberries on day 8

    Promising review: "These work like magic! One way or another, I always used to end up with moldy produce in my fridge. Not anymore! I put two packs of strawberries in the larger container and they lasted for significantly longer than they would have in their regular store containers. I was completely amazed. I am definitely going to buy more sizes for the rest of my produce!" —Alyssa Nunez

    Read BuzzFeed's review of these "miracle" produce containers for more deets.

    Get it from Amazon for $37+ (available in two sizes and as a set of three).

    11. Miracle-Gro plant food spikes for when your plants are in that struggling stage. They literally feed your plants for you — it doesn't get any easier than that.

    reviewer photo showing their plant wilted and sad
    same reviewer showing their plant happy and healthy again

    Promising review: "LOVE THESE! People will remark on your plants when you start using them. These make a huge difference if you haven't been feeding your plants — super easy to use — just stick them in your plants and forget about it. I put new ones in all my plants about once a month. They're like magic!! I give them away as gifts, they're that great. :)" —Vicki Huntman

    Get a 48-pack from Amazon for $4.48.

    12. And a pack of gnat traps to keep those annoying bugs from attacking your precious plants! Simply place the sticky traps into or near your plant pot and let it work its magic. The bright yellow color will attract any fungus gnats right to it.

    a reviewer holding up four gnat-filled sticky traps
    a photo of the traps in a reviewer's plant pot

    Promising review: "After years of never having any issues with pests, somehow, I wound up with gnats flying around my living room. I did some research and it seemed fungus gnats had infested my nine plants (of various sizes and all in the same area). I bought these out of desperation and they’ve worked better than I thought they would. I suspected I had 10 or so gnats flying around...two weeks and five sticky traps later, these traps have easily captured 60–70 of them. I’m so grossed out but also so grateful to have purchased these!" —DAH

    Get them from Amazon for $5.99+ (available in styles and pack sizes). 

    13. An enzyme-based laundry stain remover that has reviewers throwing around words like "magic" and "amazing" because of how good the results are. With one wash, deodorant residue, dirt, and sweat stains disappear!

    a reviewer's pants before with big dirt stains
    the same pants after now clean with no stains

    Puracy is a small biz based in Austin, Texas that makes nontoxic, plant-based cleaning and personal care products.

    Promising review: "This is literally the best stain remover I have ever used. Better than even the chemical-laden, big brand stuff! The pictures [above] are of my son’s baseball pants after a muddy game. The front and backs were both completely stained with grass, mud and other grime. I sprayed liberally and used an old toothbrush I keep on hand for stain-agitation to scrub it in a bit, then let it sit for a few hours before washing as usual. This was the biggest/toughest job I’ve tried it on and dang! They came out nearly brand new! I wish I’d had this stuff last year. We might not have had to toss his used baseball gear. I’ve had it for a few months and even though I use it pretty regularly (I have two very active boys), I still have plenty. The value for price is really fantastic." —AshleeOdee

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    14. Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer and Volumizer brush because it will make ALL the difference when you're blow-drying your hair, when you've just showered and have to rush to brunch, or are just having a bad hair day. It produces gorgeous blow-out results and works for all hair types!

    a reviewer showing their hair before using the brush (very curly) and after using the brush (straight).
    another reviewer shows their natural hair before and straight hair after

    Reviewers with everything from thin and short to wavy and fine to thick and curly hair love this One-Step Brush and say it works great for their hair types!

    Promising reviews: "I was pretty skeptical about purchasing this at first since there weren’t many reviews from people with coarse hair, but after a friend recommended it, I decided to give it a try, and I love it. I have thick, coarse, curly 3c hair. And usually to straighten my hair, I use a blow dryer with attachment and then a straightener which usually takes 1.5–2 hrs. But with this, I let my hair dry like 75% of the way, apply a heat protectant and hair oil, split my hair into 8 sections, and I’m done in 30-40 minutes! My hair is straight but still has a ton of volume; and it feels so soft! It’s truly remarkable for this busy momma! It took me a good 2-3 times of practicing with it to really feel like I could get a good shape, but I’m now in love. It’s also really great for refreshing your style...Long story short, I’m obsessed, I’ve joined the cult. I’m never giving it up." —Gretchen

    "This thing is LIFE-CHANGING! Let me start out by saying that this review isn’t sponsored, I’m just THAT obsessed. I have fine hair that falls flat almost immediately after styling it. I’ve been blowing out my hair with a round brush almost every day since high school (so, for the past 10+ years) and have NEVER seen results like this, and trust me, coming from a family of hairdressers, I’ve tried almost every product and tool around. I’ve had this tool for about two weeks now and don’t know how I ever lived without it. My hair has never looked so bouncy or felt so smooth, and best of all, the results last all day long. It does take some getting used to (I wasn’t sold the first time I used it), but once you get the hang of it, it’s awesome...If you have hair, you need this!" —Lexi

    Get it from Amazon for $43.96 (available in three colors).

    BTW, Revlon's got a One-Step Styler specifically for curly hair, too for only $37.99! It has over 31,000 5-star reviews and has earned just as much love as the OG styler.

    15. A teeth-whitening pen easier and way less annoying than the strips you have to leave on for 30+ minutes. With this pen, all you need to do is twist out the whitening gel, brush it along your top and bottom row of teeth, and you're done.

    Promising reviews: "No bad taste for whitening was really hard to come by, that was until I tried these magic working pens! Easy whitening and no bad taste is 5 stars in my book!" —Angel Cakes

    "I love this magic pen!! Brightens and whitens!!! It works! Love it!" —GK

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $19.99.

    16. A bottle of mold and mildew remover spray that kills the toxic mold anywhere from your bathroom tile to your outdoor patio (and all the sneaky places in between). The best part is that there's no hard work on your end. Just spray, wait 15 seconds, and watch the mold disappear!

    Reviewer photo of dirty shower with mold and mildew stains
    Reviewer photo of clean shower after using the mold and mildew spray

    Promising review: "I bought this RMR spray with low expectations, even with the good reviews. I sprayed a small patch in the evening and let it sit overnight. The next morning, the grout where I had sprayed was as white as if it were brand new. I decided to spray the entire wall and part of the roof. The next day everything I sprayed had no visible mold. By the third night, I was pretty much spraying everything left in the shower. This stuff is amazing." —John Werner

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99 (available in three sizes and multiple packs).

    17. A super-soft Makeup Eraser to wipe off your makeup using *only* water! (Yes, you read that right.) The gentle fabric also has a microfiber blend specifically designed to clear gunk from your pores. If that's not magic, I don't know what is.

    a reviewer holding up the big pink eraser
    Reviewer with half their face made up, and the other half bare after using the eraser

    It's got two sides — one that can wipe off all your makeup with water and a light scrubbing, and another that exfoliates your skin. Plus, all you have to do when you're done using it is wet it and hang it up to dry! No more wasting money on icky washcloths that hurt your skin!!! I can hear your pores singing from here.

    Promising review: "I am amazed by this product. I would even say that this is life-altering! I have not had to buy makeup remover in three months and don't believe I will ever have to again! When I used makeup remover, I felt like I could never get all of my makeup off and I had to rub my eyes quite a bit to get it off. Even after a lot of rubbing when using makeup remover I still would wake up the next morning with makeup residue from the previous day and I never felt I could completely get my makeup off. With makeup eraser, there is not one bit of makeup left!! It is like magic!! Make sure you follow directions, you have to use warm water and use the correct side!" —Sprklbuz

    Check out BuzzFeed's review of the Makeup Eraser for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $20 (available in eight colors).

    18. A nail and cuticle oil that'll keep your nails healthy and clean every day of the year. It's infused with jojoba oil and vitamin E, both of which are extremely beneficial for your nails! 💅

    Promising review: "I didn't know you could repair your already grown nails. This is magic. Fixed my peeling nails in a few days. Love this product." —AmandaC

    Get it from Amazon for $9.70.

    19. Cleaning K-Cups because let's be honest, when was the last time that thing had a deep clean?! These pods are the easiest, fastest way to give your Keurig the clean it deserves so you can go back to enjoying your favorite hot beverages!

    To use, place one of these cleaning pods like you would any other K-Cup and brew one large cycle.

    Promising review: "We’ve had our Keurig for a few years, and with the exception of using only filtered water and dispensing hot water every so often, we’ve never cleaned the needle or K-Cup area. I used three cleaning cups back to back and WOW our machine was dirty! I'm so happy I purchased these! I’ll be keeping up on cleaning these more often." —Heather Garcia

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    20. A professional-strength grout cleaner so you can remove years and years worth of gross grime from your floors, countertops, and even shower tile. Did you forget that white grout existed in your home? Trust me, it's still there.

    A side-by-side reviewer photo of dirty tile and much cleaner, whiter tile
    reviewer's up close picture of dirty grout next to clean grout

    Promising review: "I did a lot of research on grout cleaners. I recently purchased a home, and the grout is SO dirty. You wouldn’t even know it was white. I was between this product and another with similar ratings. I decided to go with this product and do not regret it at all. You definitely need gloves, a well-ventilated area, and a stiff scrub brush. It doesn’t require a lot of scrubbing if you have a good brush. Leaving it on the longer end of 5–10 minutes is better. I’m SO impressed." —Lynn Santos

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95.

    21. OR a grout pen that's a tad less work, but will still have your home's surfaces looking brand spankin' new. The transformation will leave your home sparkling ✨

    a reviewer's tile floors looking dirty from grout
    the same tile floor now looking clean after using the grout pen

    Promising review: "I was pleasantly surprised by how far these went. I did the entire floor of my large master bathroom plus a little of the shower with one pen. It is pretty forgiving and you have quite a bit of working time before it dries completely. This was not a quick task, but it went faster than I thought it would. I was worried the white would look too bright, but it just makes everything look so much cleaner. I'm very happy with this product!" —Jenelle

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in two sizes).

    22. Earbud cleaning putty for when the gunk literally blocks the sound coming out of your earphones. This putty sticks to the dirt and earwax inside, and pulls it right out for brand new clean feeling (and better sound quality). 

    Promising review: "I never usually write reviews but this is an exception. I've had my AirPods for over a year and when the sound quality was diminishing...Even after using Q-Tips to clean the AirPods out, I thought that was enough until my friend said there's stuff built up and hard to see, but there was nothing able to get it out! Enter this product — it literally took five mins to clean each ear bud effectively and instantly the sound quality was as good as new! Loud, clear, less trouble connecting to my phone, etc. I really suggest getting this product and even though they say it comes with 12 squares, you don't need a full square to clean them, so you can pull a piece off or reuse a square with a side you haven't used! SO happy I found a solution!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a 12-pack on Amazon for $11.99 (also available as a 24-pack). 

    23. A rubber broom to easily sweep up the pet hair embedded in your carpet. This tool will grab hair you didn't even realize was there! 

    It also has 67,000+ positive reviews on Amazon!

    Promising review: "I bought this broom two years ago and it is still going strong! I have four large dogs and we have fur EVERYWHERE! This works so, so well! I am always amazed at what this picks up even after I just ran the vacuum. If you remove the head from the handle you can use the head to do in all the crevices along baseboards where fur gets trapped on the carpets. I also use it that way to do the carpet corners on the stairs. Lastly, I use it to get dust and cobwebs off the floors and ceilings. It truly is a super tool." —Roseann

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    24. Or a grooming glove that'll collect your pet's loose fur BEFORE it get on your clothes, the couch, and every other crevice of the house. Both cat and dog approved!

    a reviewer holding the blue glove which is full of white fur
    a reviewer using the glove to brush their corgi

    Promising reviews: "My kitty has really long fur. I bought this because I know she doesn't like traditional brushes and loves to be petted. This thing works like a charm! I brush her about once a week and this thing is magic. Super easy to use, she thinks I'm just petting her. It's got an elastic band to keep it tight on your hand. when it comes to cleaning, it can be a little tricky but if you pull down along each finger and then grab at the palms it comes off fairly easily. I will definitely be buying one for my aunt and her cats." —Jenny Hahn

    "I am so happy I took a chance and bought this. My blonde cat left my house covered in cat hair. I tried using a fur comb that had worked fine for my dog but did little for my cat. This glove is magical! The first day I petted him for about 10 minutes and got off a jaw dropping amount of fur. Now I pet him with this once a day about 100 strokes and we no longer have cat hair flying everywhere. I can pick him up in a dark colored shirt and not be embarrassed to leave the house in the same shirt." —Mom of two

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    25. leather restoring polish to make your home feel brand new with all the shiny, restored things laying around. It can be used on everything from furniture to bags and shoes!

    Reviewer image of a severely faded brown leather chair
    Same reviewer showing the same chair after using the polish to restore a vibrant brown color

    Promising reviews: "This stuff works GREAT! I’m furnishing a large home and was able to get a free leather couch set, but it was badly sun-bleached. This product made the set look like night and day (see close up). It took an entire jar to do my queen sized couch which was front, back, sides, and all cushions. The application is very easy and it dries rather quickly." —nitadj

    "Have a very large, super comfy square leather chair that was over 20 years in age. Had faded, had scratches, and we almost gave it away. Then I found this product and finally got the time to use it. OMG... When I applied the restorer color the chair leather just 'sucked it up' and now looks completely new. My husband is astonished and he keeps going to look at it. Have not used the final sealer yet but if that had not come with the other products I would never have known I needed it. Second day after the first color application I had to touch up a few areas but overall it was covered and the liquid was gone. Seeped into the leather like it was never applied in the first place. There is no flaking at all." —Kevin A

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in 15 colors).

    26. An adjustable bakeware rack great for baking sheets and cupcake pans, and will make your cluttered shelf look ~pristine~ by providing a designated place for each one.

    Reviewer's unorganized cabinet before using pots and pans holder
    Reviewer's organized cabinet after using pots and pans holder

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small biz that makes ingenious home and kitchen storage solutions.

    Promising review: "Loved it so much I bought a second one immediately! Works great for circular pans, 9x13 cake pans, heavier pans, jelly roll pans, awkward collapsible colanders, cutting boards, whatever you want. Having nonskid feet is a big plus." —Organization Freak/Hobby Cook

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in two sizes and three styles).

    27. A four-piece sock and underwear organizer so awesome, you might just open the drawer and stare for fun. This set of four is guaranteed to maximize space in your dresser, too.

    Promising review: "I LOVE LOVE LOVE these organizers!! At just $15 for four organizers I took my chances and ordered two sets of four. I wear a 32DD and the bras fit beautifully in the organizers. I ordered another set for tank tops and other extras I did not think of before. I will also order my boyfriend the brown ones for his drawers. Great product for a great price!" —Elizabeth L. Blackwell

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $13.87+ (available in seven colors).

    28. A wrinkle release spray for when you're in a rush and taking out the ironing board will make you even more late than you already are. With a few spritzes of this stuff, you'll be good to go!

    Promising review: "HOLY SMOKES. I wasn't expecting this product to work so well. Literally 10 seconds after spraying and gently stretching as the directions suggested, this was the difference! I let it hang for another 15 minutes with a subtle improvement, but the first few seconds after were mind-blowing." —Desiree

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $31.

    29. A vegan ingrown hair oil to treat and prevent those itchy red bumps that may appear after you shave or wax. (And yes, it can be used down there too.)

    a model holding the product and applying it to their underarm
    a split image of a reviewer before and after using the oil with the look of razor bumps drastically reduced after a month

    Bushbalm is an Ottawa-based small biz with a special focus on the pubic zone(s). Their result-driven collection of products targets such grievances as ingrown hair prevention, dark spot treatment, and razor burn relief.

    BuzzFeed editor Katy Herman uses this to stay smooth after shaving:

    "I just recently received a sample of this lovely stuff, which is from an Ottawa-based small business, and I have already seen a difference in how my bikini line looks after shaving! I always struggle with razor bumps in the down-there area specifically, but this oil helps keep it soft, smooth, and bump free! The brand recommends applying it right after getting out of the shower, and you can even use it to spot-treat ingrown hairs. I'm pretty ~scent~sitive to smells, and the tea tree scent is really lovely and refreshing (it smells like a spa)! I also love the pump-style dispenser, so I don't make a greasy mess every time I use it — which, from now on, is gonna be pretty much all the time. I'm sooo excited to wear swimsuits this summer without all the bumps and irritation!"

    Get it from Amazon for $26 or straight from Bushbalm for $26.

    30. A pack of bottle-cleaning tablets because soap and water is NOT enough to clean bottles and tumblers (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). These will make washing bottles much less of a hassle.

    Promising review: "THESE ARE AWESOME!!! I got these and tried one out first with my coffee travel mug and it worked AMAZINGLY. I got all my other travel cups and coffee carafe lined up and used one on each, and got a big bowl for all the covers and gaskets. I left them soaking for about an hour and cleaned with warm water and soap after. Everything came out excellent and like new, with no smell... Before dumping out the solution after soaking, I could see the film of crud that had risen to the surface of the water! Gross but cool. I have used one of these to clean my coffee pot carafe a few times and it works great every time. I recommend super hot water from the tap when using these and waiting an hour." —Sage Moon

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $8.

    31. An indoor herb garden for those who love gardening, but don't have the yard to do so. This garden comes with six seed kits and has a built-in LED grow light to help them flourish indoors.

    The six seed kits includes Genovese and Thai basil, parsley, dill, thyme, and mint.

    Promising reviews: "Great for small spaces and black thumbs! This is amazing. I've wanted to have a little garden in my apartment forever but have killed every herb plant I've bought from the store. Aerograden is so simple. You just plug it in, add water, plant food, and the pods. The garden does everything else for you. Very low maintenance. All you have to do is add plant food every two weeks and change the water once a month. I started my garden and two days later one of the lettuce pods I bought separately sprouted. I look forward to seeing the changes in my garden every morning." —MsResponsible

    Get it from Amazon for $79.99+ (available in three sizes and three colors).

    32. A gel nail polish kit that comes with everything you'll need for salon-quality nails right at home. Will you ever want to go back to a real salon? Who knows. But you'll get nonstop compliments after each new mani. 💅

    a reviewer using the gel lamp
    reviewer's gel manicure with sparkles on one finger

    This is 19-piece set includes: six gel polish colors, two topcoats (glossy and matte), base coat, cuticle fork, push, oil, nail file, nail buffer, nail clippers, LED UV nail lamp, and MORE.

    Promising review: "This is my first UV-cure gel polish kit and I don’t know why I didn’t buy this sooner! As soon as I received, I immediately tried five of the six included colors and they are gorgeous!! I did have to do two coats of the lightest pink for coverage and cured each coat for 60 seconds per the included instructions. I’m so pleased with everything else included. Goodbye, smudged, regular-polish, lasts-one-day manicures forever!" —AZ mama

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in 31 color sets).

    33. A jade roller and gua sha set because it's a simple, easy-to-use beauty tool. The muscle-relaxing, fine line-reducing rose quartz is something that you can use while watching TV, reading, or after your nighttime routine.

    A reviewer shows the results of using the set in 3 days
    a reviewer shows the Jade Roller and Gua Sha Set

    This particular set from Baimei comes with both a jade roller and a gua sha. When used correctly, both are great for depuffing your face and having a soothing at-home facial massage. Many reviewers suggest throwing it in the fridge 10 minutes before you plan to use it for an extra refreshing and relaxing effect!

    Promising reviews: "The roller is nice quality, it feels sturdy, and it doesn't squeak when you use it. I enjoy the smaller roller end for my eye area. It does help moisturizer and serums spread on better and soak in faster. The gua sha tool is also great. I can tell it's good quality and wont snap in half. I have been using it on the knots in my neck actually, giving myself a massage and putting pressure on the knots." —Laura

    "Helps with oilier serums and feels amazing if you have sinus pressure!" —JSides

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in six stones).

    And to learn the history, helpful tips, and see video demonstrations on how to use the gua sha stone, check out BuzzFeed's Gua Sha History and Overview for details.

    34. Some thick velvet slip covers so you don't have to spend big bucks on a brand new couch, but it'll look like you did just that by the time you're done! And to ensure they stay in place, these covers have nonslip straps, too. 

    BTW, the reviewer used the color 'Taupe' above!

    Promising review: "I have never been so excited about a slipcover. Total transformation of our couch and loveseat. I was worried about it not working on our leather couch, but it stays on really well due to the straps and the separate cushion covers. LOVE." —Brian/Liz

    Get it from Amazon for $32.49+ (available in five sizes and 22 colors).

    35. A sturdy hanger organizer you didn't know existed, but could definitely use in your closet. Those annoying tangled bins of hangers are about to go *poof*!

    Reviewer's pile of messy hangers before using the hanger stacker
    Reviewer's neatly stacked hangers after they used the hanger stacker

    Promising reviews: "The struggle with hangers has been real for quite some time, I wish I would have known about this thing sooner! Seriously, laundry is annoying enough, to not fight with hangers will be wonderful. It doesn't wiggle and seems sturdy. Hopefully it stays that way because this has saved me a ton of room and hassle!" —Kara Adams

    "Working in retail for a million years, I know how amazing these can be in keeping your life less chaotic! I put off ordering for months, and I'm mad at myself that I did, because these beat a box of hangers hands-down! I ordered two, one for dress/shirt hangers and one for skirt/pant hangers. They arrived today, seem to be made of the same metal that I've used in retail stores, appear to be sturdy, and are super easy to assemble! The only thing I had to stop and think about is which side of the base should face up. It comes with all the hardware and tool for assembly. A great buy!" —KatieLee333

    Get it from Amazon for $24.65.

    36. watermark remover for a fresh start on old furniture. This restorer rids surfaces of those annoying ringlets left from hot and cold beverages. (You can only remind your family to use coasters so many times!)

    a before and after photo of white watermark ringlets on a wood surface and then the same surface completely restored

    Promising review: "Someone recommended this product to remove white water stains from a table. I was skeptical, but thought what have I got to lose as we had a large watermark staring at us from our dinning room table... I followed the instructions and was completely blown away when the ugly water mark was completely removed! This product worked great and I'd happily recommend it." —Nick W.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98+ (available in seven wood finishes).

    37. A pack of Stomp 'N Go stain-removing pads reviewers say really do live up to their name. These pads remove gross pet-related stains, and according to reviews, it works on coffee stains, blood, dirt, and even red wine, too.

    reviewer photo showing cleaning pads absorbing stains from carpet
    reviewer shows a before and after of the dirty rug

    Promising review: "Every pet owner should own these. They are so easy to use, and pull up every kitty stain without fail. It even picks up other dirt that we didn't know was there! No stain has failed to be picked up by these, even the ones that have sat for a few days before we noticed them, and some old stains that were there when we bought our house which didn't even come out with professional carpet cleaning. You need these!" —MKELady

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $26.11.

    38. A jewelry-cleaning pen to have your old diamond ring shining bright again. (RiRi would be proud.)

    reviewer shows their foggy diamond ring before using the cleaning pen
    the same reviewer shows the results after using the pen. The ring is shiny and sparkling

    This cleaning pen has soft bristles for gentle cleaning, and is filled with a cleansing and polishing solution that removes dirt and oil, and fills in scratches, making jewelry as good as new! All you need to do is twist the bottom of the pen and start brushin'.

    Promising review: "I just recently got engaged and I noticed my ring would get dirty pretty easily just from never taking if off while washing my hands or applying lotion. My friend has this product and used it on my ring when she saw that it was collecting a bit of a build-up around the prongs. It made my ring look brand new again! I had to buy one for myself to keep this puppy looking sparkling. It's convenient as heck, it can either be kept in a bathroom drawer, or in your purse. I recommend this nifty little cleaner, for those of you that like keeping your jewelry pristine." —CC

    Get it from Amazon for $9.48.

    39. An oil stain remover that can change a stained surface in just 72 hours 🤯.  All you need to do is stir the cleaner, apply to the stain, and wait! 

    Recommended for use on marble, granite, limestone, travertine, slate, sandstone, grout for ceramic and porcelain tile, masonry, and concrete!

    Promising review: "Had an oil stain on my untreated West Elm marble top buffet from a kids toy. I purchased the oil stain remover and crossed my fingers that it would work. Followed the directions, waited 72 hrs to let it dry completely, and then scraped it off with a credit card. It worked perfectly! I couldn't be happier with the results. I highly recommend this product!" —MKDJ

    Get it from Amazon for $24.54.

    40. A pack of melamine cleaning sponges because they're tough on grime and gentle on surfaces. Reviewers call them "magic" for a reason! 

    a before photo of a reviewer's dirty door
    the after photo of a clean door

    All you gotta do is wet and swipe!

    Promising review: "I own a cleaning business and have spent a small fortune on the name brand. I clean everything from condo rentals to long term lease/residential rentals and I have had to clean unimaginable NASTY, I mean 'pics or it didn't happen' kind of nasty and these cut right through it. They work just as well as the name brand, if not better, and they seem to last a little longer!" —Keisha Marie

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $11.95.

    41. A double-sided tea organizer that frees up space in the cabinet. Time to toss all of those clunky tea boxes!

    a reviewer's cabinet filled with tea boxes
    the same reviewer now with more space

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small biz that makes ingenious home and kitchen storage solutions.

    Promising review: "Do I really need a tea bag organizer? That's what I was thinking when I ordered this. And when I took it out of the box. And when I filled the first little bag holder. But as the pile of empty boxes grew larger, I knew the answer was yes, I do need a tea bag organizer. I was using a whole shelf and a half of jumbled tea boxes that I had to sift through to look for a specific tea. In the end, I think this held about eight or nine boxes of tea bags (I crammed some of them). I am so happy that I got this!" —Sarah C.

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    42. TruSkin Naturals vitamin C serum, an easy and cruelty-free way to give you skin everything it needs to be brighter and softer. This serum leaves skin moisturized and can help dramatically fade hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

    Promising review: "This product saved my skin. I seldom write reviews but just had to review this product. I’ve been struggling with acne for YEARS. I have very acne-prone skin. I get a new pimple almost every day and it seemed like there was never a time I didn’t have a pimple on my face. Acne leaves super dark blemishes/scars on my face. I’ve tried all different types of moisturizers and cleansers. Nothing worked. However I bought this serum on a whim. OMGGGG. Guys. Literally my face stopped flaring within three days. I was PIMPLE-FREE FOR MORE THAN 48 hours (a new record). Exactly two months later, blemishes have faded DRASTICALLY and I have no active breakouts. This hasn’t happened in years. I truly and honestly think it is due to this product. If you are hesitant, don’t be, BUY IT! It has also helped my under eye bags (use one drop for both under-eyes; pat gently with fingers.)" —Brandon

    Get it from Amazon for $19.77+ (available in two sizes).

    43. Elizavecca Collagen Hair Protein treatment reviewers refer to as "magic in a bottle." Say goodbye to frizz and grease after just 10 minutes (yep, 10!) with this in your hair!

    (1) a reviewer's before and after of dry hair before using product, then silky hair after using product (2) a reviewer holding up the product bottle
    a reviewer with curly hair showing results from mask treatment

    Reviewers with thin or fine hair LOVE this hair treatment, and various hair types from 3b to 4c say that it helped their damaged hair. Even folks with dyed or bleached hair says it's safe to use. TL;DR: It works!

    Promising reviews: "I am obsessed with this conditioner. Its light enough to use every other wash and it smells amazing. I have ultra fine, curly blonde hair that’s extremely prone to breakage and I feel like my hair has grown an inch since using this product. Just bought two more bottles because I never want to run out of this magic.." —sgt

    "I am obsessed with this product. My hair was super dry, damaged and unmanageable from too many rounds with hot tools. Since I started using this product my hair feels soft and is getting natural curls back." —Jennifer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.82 (available in two sizes).

    44. stain and odor-eliminating spray for those carpet incidents that happen every now and then. This spray lifts stains away and removes that odor that comes along with it. 

    Carpet messes are undoubtedly the worst to clean up, but you can also use this on clothes and other surfaces like concrete and hardwood. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully for noncarpet use. 

    Rocco & Roxie is a family-owned small business named after the Magleby family's pets Rocco, a Labradoodle, and Roxie, a former shelter tabby cat. They make a variety of pet supplies, including cleaners, treats, grooming tools, accessories, and toys. 

    Promising review: "I honestly have no idea how we managed without this product before. We’ve tried most everything, from carpet cleaners to products that just cover scent. Nothing truly worked or lasted to get the cat urine odor out of our carpets. We were at our wit’s end when it began to happen in our own room — one corner of the room has become nearly unbearable. We didn’t even want to enter our own room. I purchased this product as a Hail Mary, hoping the positive reviews were true. THEY ALL UNDERSTATED THIS PRODUCT!! My fiancé followed the instructions down to the T and the smell is COMPLETELY GONE. Not even the slightest hint of urine anymore. I admit, I’m more of a citrus/floral girl for smells so this more minty scent isn’t my style, but the fragrance doesn’t linger too long. But what remains is a completely neutralized smell. In addition, the carpet seems generally cleaner. I am so grateful to this product." —Amazon Customer

    Get a 32-ounce bottle from Amazon for $19.97 (also available in a gallon size).

    45. A toilet bowl ring remover because *no one* wants to see that every time they use the bathroom. This is a quick, easy, and cheap (!!) way to get the dirty chore done.

    Promising review: "I never thought I'd be this excited about a clean toilet. I had largely given up on our first floor toilet. Nothing would take out the ring along the waterline. But I saw this product in a BuzzFeed roundup and figured it was worth a shot. Tried it this morning and oh. my. goodness. It easily took out the ring and with some harder scrubbing, the rest of the stains/buildup/whatever the term is for the stuff that made the bowl look gross. It looks just about brand new! Definitely worth the purchase." —Courtney

    Get it from Amazon for $11.42.

    46. A foot exfoliation mask that peels away dead skin, calluses, and buildup for baby-smooth skin. Sign. Me. Up.

    a reviewer wearing the foot masks
    A reviewer shows before and after using the mask with calluses now removed

    To get your foot nice and smooth, slip on the foot mask and leave them on for at least an hour (some reviewers recommend just throwing socks over the mask to keep things secure). After you remove and wash your feet, you'll see your dead skin and calluses begin to peel a few days later — if you've got a lot, It'll look something like the pics above. The gross (but oddly fun?) part is watching the process as you slowly make your way to super-smooth feet!

    Promising review: "This works wonders! This is super easy to use, it comes with the tapes to hold everything down. It felt very moisturizing and relaxing. The skin started to peel off by itself after four days and continued for three days. It left my feet looking healthy and feeling soft." —Ellie Anne

    Get it from Amazon for $15.95 (available in three scents).

    47. Corated's Heatless Hair Curler to get bouncy curls without the damage. On top of being heat-free, the curler is made with mulberry satin that helps prevent tangled hair, too.

    a reviewer with their hair wrapped in the curler before bed
    the same reviewer showing big curls the morning after

    This heatless curler comes as a set, so you'll also get two matching silk scrunchies and a hair clip with purchase!

    Promising review: "I could not be more obsessed with this. I have stick straight hair and I'm a new mom. I love feeling glam but have about seven minutes to get ready every morning. I put these in when I go to sleep at night....They're comfy. and only take two minutes to put in. And when I wake up, I pull them out in 15 seconds, mist with hairspray and I have bouncy curls for the rest of the day... Works better than curlings iron for me!" —nikki liu

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in five colors).

    48. A roll marble contact paper you can use literally everywhere! Not kidding, this looks good on nightstands, countertops, picture frames, bar carts — the list is never ending.

    Promising review: "I used a little more than one roll for a quick makeover on an ugly fireplace in a rental apartment. It's easy to cover the tiles with the film. It makes a huge difference for minimal effort/price." —Zhen

    Get it from Amazon for $15.68+ (available in two sizes and three colors).

    Learn more in our full write up on this DIY-friendly marble contact paper.

    49. cable organizer box that'll hide all those annoying wires and that huge extension cord that's always in the way.

    And grab that sleek cable sleeve (a.k.a. a wire cover) while you're at it!

    Promising reviews: "I've been searching for something to not only hide the cord mess but protect them from my munch monster of a cat. This box in addition to cable straps and cable wrap has solved my cable management like magic! I highly recommend this product." —Lauryn

    "Seriously where has this been all my life??? Highly recommend. Excellent cord management soulmate (I meant to type solution and it autocorrected to soulmate, however I think that’s accurate LOL.) Just get it. Won’t regret." —April Olsen

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available two sizes and three colors).

    50. A shower door cleaner to rid those hard water stains and get your glass doors back to their original clean and clear state. Remember when you could see out the shower door? Yeah, get ready for that again. 

    Reviewer's dirty glass shower door
    Reviewer's same shower door after cleaning with Rain-X cleaner

    Promising review: "This product works beautifully. I tried a lot of products to remove the hard water from my glass shower. I have to admit the first time I used it with a cloth it was not very effective. The second time I used a nonabrasive sponge for glass, it turned out beautiful just like the first day the glass was installed." —EJP

    Get it from Amazon for $11.65.

    Happy shopping ya filthy animal!