Here Are Just A Few Supporting Characters Who Deserve Their Own Stand-Alone Projects Immediately

    Sometimes the side is just better than the main, TBH.

    We recently asked Pop Culture lovers in the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which characters from TV and film they believe deserve their own spin-offs. Here are some of the responses that can take all of my money right now:

    1. Princess Leia, Star Wars

    2. Valkyrie, Thor: Ragnarok

    3. The Mauraders, Harry Potter

    4. Haymitch Abernathy, The Hunger Games

    5. Flynn Rider, Tangled

    6. Dwight Schrute, The Office

    7. The Aliens, Toy Story

    8. Bill Murray, Zombieland

    9. Tom Riddle, Harry Potter

    10. Bucky Barnes, Captain America: Winter Solider

    11. Schmidt and Cece, New Girl

    12. Loki, Thor

    13. Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad

    14. Rose Tyler, Dr. Who

    15. The Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter

    16. Prince's Friends, Cinderella

    17. Storm, X-Men

    18. Forrest Gump and his son, Forrest Gump

    19. Snoke, Star Wars

    20. Paris Geller, Gilmore Girls

    21. Joker, Batman

    22. Targaryens, Game of Thrones

    23. Gaston, Beauty and the Best

    24. Shoshanna, Girls

    25. Deadly Viper Assassination Squad, Kill Bill

    26. Jean-Ralphio, Parks and Recreation

    27. Natasha Romanoff, The Avengers

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