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45 Reasons Why Supermodels Were Better In The '80s

You may not remember them that well, but they were equally fabulous if not more so than the '90s models. The models of today should really bring back the exaggerated poses that were so popular back then.

1. Their athleticism.

2. They posed with exotic animals.

3. They could pull off a wide range of emotions.

4. They didn't have to wear a bikini to be sexy in a swimsuit.

5. The dudes wore makeup.

6. They looked adorable in glasses.

7. They were fierce.

8. They wore giant bows.

9. They weren't stick-thin.

10. These pants.

11. They always posed like they were mid-dance.

12. They were artistic.

13. And they were definitely deep thinkers.

14. They "loved to laugh."

15. They could pull off gigantic coats.

16. They dated Duran Duran.

17. And also some other famous rock dudes.

18. They really knew how to party.

19. They mastered the hair toss.

20. They knew how to power-dress.

21. They had huge heads of hair.

22. They wore turbans before they were trendy.

23. Even now, they look frozen in time.

24. They perfected the "Can you believe it??" look.

25. They hung out with Michael Jackson.

26. They never had cameltoe.

27. They wore hot pink blush without abandon.

28. They looked good in mom jeans.

29. They really could pull off anything.

30. They had an impeccable sense of balance.

31. They were obviously total goofballs.

32. They looked good in tacky leather outfits.

33. And head-to-toe sequins.

34. And snoods.

35. Sometimes they rocked edgy tomboy haircuts.

36. They looked cute with their pets.

37. They weren't afraid of lesbian undertones.

38. Debbie Harry was a model.

39. Their asses.

40. They loved America.

41. They had hipster bangs.

42. The first Asian supermodel came on the scene.

43. They perfected the gentle face touch.

44. They inspired Cameron Diaz's hair from "There's Something About Mary."

45. They totally loved themselves.