Three Guys Answer The Questions Women Have For Men

    Here's what we really talk about at sleepovers.

    BuzzFeed recently gathered 23 Questions Women Have For Men, so now it's time to answer those questions. This is:

    1. “What do you talk about at sleepovers?”

    2. “Why does it take you so long to poop?”

    3. “Do you shiver when you pee in the morning? Is that a thing?”

    4. “What’s the deal with drawing dicks all over everything?”

    5. “Are all your exes reaaaaaallllly ‘crazy’?”

    6. “Why do you put your dicks inside random objects?”

    7. “Does it actually feel good?”

    8. “Have you ever been catcalled?”

    9. “Do circle jerks really happen, like, just hangin’ out, platonically masturbating with your bros?”

    10. “Are all you ‘straight’ guys really not even a little bi?”

    11. “Are *all* of you obsessed with the History channel on the weekend?”

    12. “Have you ever tasted your own semen, like, just a little, just to see?”

    13. “Do you actually think people care if you buy tampons?”

    14. “Do you ever say ‘I love you’ to your best friend?”

    15. “How often do you get accidental boners? Weekly? Monthly?”

    16. “Why are you so interested in how big your friends’ dicks are?”

    17. “And what’s up with the whole slapping one another’s butts thing?”

    18. “What is your opposition to nightstands, or hanging things on walls for that matter?”

    19. “Are blue balls a real thing?”

    20. “Does your dick ever get in your way when you’re walking around?”

    21. “Do your balls ever stick to anything else on your body?”

    22. “Are broken penises just a myth?”

    23. “And finally, what does having a boner feel like?”

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