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Professors Holding Students Babies

In Israel recently some professors have taken upon themselves to calm down their new mothers babies when they need to bring them to class. Truly heartwarming. Credit goes to their parents.

Lolipoptalia 9 years ago

Why Lux Atkin Is So Important

Put your hands together for Miss Lux Atkin. The 3 year old legend that has won One Direction Fans and One Direction themselves' heart.

Lolipoptalia 9 years ago

This Is What Its Like During Sukkot

Sukkot= Jewish holiday where we basically sit in man made huts (= Sukkah) for a week to symbolize something that happened in the desert a long time ago. Source: I am a Jew and I know these things.

Lolipoptalia 9 years ago

Jumping Through DC

Why not make Washington DC pictures a little more fun and interesting. 3 sisters were taken to tour DC and this is what happened.

Lolipoptalia 10 years ago