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16 Reasons Why We Love Stan Lee

Here's why we can't get enough of him.

He basically co-authored our entire childhood.

He's been rocking the "mustache / tinted glasses / grey temples" thing for almost 40 years.

He's an American patriot.

And a devoted family man.

He's even cut a few records in his day.

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Matthew Hawes / Via youtube.com

Listen to this delightfully awkward recording of Stan and the rest of the Marvel Bullpen in 1965.

And was doing duckface before anyone else.

He's the only comics writer with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

And the only comics writer that has fans cosplay as him.

He's a master of parkour.

No, seriously. He's a master of parkour.

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Via youtube.com

He's the king of cameos.

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But that's probably because he's really Uatu The Watcher.

Either way, let's get the man an award.

Or at least his own cologne.

He's basically besties with RDJ.

And Chuck Norris


But through it all, he's not afraid to show his sensitive side.

And at age 91, he's showing no signs of slowing down.

Happy Birthday to Stan The Man. Tweet your birthday wishes @therealstanlee.