Ryan Gosling Pretended He Isn't Canadian On "Saturday Night Live"

    "Santa's coming so don't you pout. It's time to break the Molsons out."

    Ryan Gosling hosted Saturday Night Live this week, and he began his monologue by talking about how great it is to be back in his home town of New York. "What up, Brooklyn!"

    But pretty soon he was outed by an audience member. "Yeah, Ryan, aren't you actually from Canada?" Yeah Ryan. She correctly pointed out that he's from Cornwall, Ontario.

    Mike Myers showed up to remind Gosling we have so much to be proud of, including "our hunky new prime minister," Degrassi Junior High, and Justin Bieber.

    Myers told everyone that nothing is better than Christmas in Canada. "Waking up at dawn, snow up your nugs." Ah, memories...

    Bonhomme made an appearance, too!

    Myers very accurately described him as a "watchful snow man who throws you in a maple bag and beats you with a lacrosse stick if you've been telling lies."

    Then they sang song about the most magical time of year here in the Great White North: 🎡 "Santa's coming so don't you pout. It's time to break the Molsons out." 🎡

    🎡 "Club some seals and then we'll shout: That's what Canadian Christmas is aboot." 🎡

    Gosling and Myers tap danced, too.

    You can watch the whole thing here:

    View this video on YouTube


    People were into it.

    Ryan Gosling singing, #CanadianChristmas number, saying "about" like "aboot," Mike Meyers tap dancing...this is too much to handle. #SNL

    Ryan Gosling's @nbcsnl monologue is EVERYTHING πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ’ #CanadianChristmas

    They had other excellent ideas for how to celebrate Canadian Christmas.

    Going to try and do my Christmas shopping today using only Canadian Tire money. #CanadianChristmas #shopping #challengeaccepted

    Missed this last night. Do they serve a ginormous bowl of Kraft dinner with their Christmas ham? #CanadianChristmas https://t.co/x5UbI2kasb

    Doing this.

    To help with your celebration this year, here are the full lyrics to "Canadian Christmas":

    Santa's coming so don't you pout

    It's time to break the Molsons out

    Club some seals and then we'll shout

    That's what Canadian Christmas is aboot

    Put on your slippers

    And pass the kippers

    The tree's three metres high

    Wearing heavy sweaters in freezing weather

    If you go outside you'll die

    Santa please, take the quickest route

    If you get stuck, we'll dig you out

    If you get lost we'll send a scout

    That's what Canadian Christmas is aboot

    So kiss the toboggan

    And cover your noggin with a hat β€” you mean a toque

    Then we'll get real and club some seals

    And drink some Molsons until we puke

    Santa's coming, there's no doubt

    It's time to put the presents out

    And in the morning we will shout

    That's what Canadian Christmas is aboot

    Oh by the way, Gosling did a much better dance routine later on.

    Oh, *these* moves? Nbd. @RyanGosling #SNL