29 Best Male Friendships In Movies, Ranked

    I refuse to call it a "bromance." It's friendship, pure and simple.

    29. Ferris and Cameron (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)

    28. Peter and Sydney (I Love You, Man)

    I Love You, Man is the rare film explicitly and specifically about the challenges of forming an adult male friendship. (Forming any sort of relationship as an adult is basically impossible, by the way. Get a dog.)

    Then again: While Jason Segel's character, Sydney, has his heart in the right place and (spoiler) everything turns out OK he really is unnecessarily, like, prone to hijinks. And while some friendships may thrive on hijinks and a mutual appreciation of Rush, most really very much do not.

    Rating: 1 out of 5 dogs named after dictators

    27. Scott and Wallace (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World)

    26. Harold and Kumar (Harold & Kumar franchise)

    25. Harry and Lloyd (Dumb and Dumber)

    24. Detective Marcus Burnett and Detective Mike Lowrey (Bad Boys franchise)

    23. Garth and Wayne (Wayne's World franchise)

    22. Dalton and Wade (Road House)

    21. Will and Chuckie (Good Will Hunting)

    20. Jay and Silent Bob (Various Kevin Smith movies)

    19. Mike and Trent (Swingers)

    18. Sheriff Bart and Jim (Blazing Saddles)

    17. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid (Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid)

    16. Evan and Seth (Superbad)

    15. Bill and Ted (Bill & Ted franchise)

    14. Prince Akeem and Semmi (Coming to America)

    13. Murtaugh and Riggs (Lethal Weapon franchise)

    12. Johnny Utah and Bodhi (Point Break)

    11. Han Solo and Chewbacca (Star Was IV - VI)

    Han and Chewie demonstrate that, even if you tease one another from time to time, your best friend is someone you absolutely know has your back when fighting against dark forces in the unending abyss of deep space.

    Then again: Han is mean. Sexy, but mean.

    Rating: 3 out of 5 "I know"'s.

    10. Sgt. Angel and Danny (Hot Fuzz)

    9. Shaun and Ed (Shaun of the Dead)

    8. Fezzik and Inigo (The Princess Bride)

    7. Felix and Oscar (The Odd Couple)

    6. Harry and Ron (Harry Potter franchise, various works of slashfic)

    5. Frodo and Sam (LOTR franchise)

    4. Adam and Kyle (50/50)

    3. Kirk and Spock (Star Trek franchise)

    2. Andy and Red (The Shawshank Redemption)

    1. Woody and Buzz (Toy Story franchise)