Wendy Williams Called Her Cheating Ex-Husband Out Because He Banned Tyrese Gibson From Her Show

    "I'm like, where have you been?"

    Yesterday on the Wendy Williams Show, Tyrese Gibson was the day's guest and sat down for an interview.

    It wasn't the most ~revealing~ interview as Tyrese is notoriously tight-lipped in his interviews — but this time, the most interesting part of the interview came after it ended.

    In the beauty segment after Tyrese's interview, the cameras went live but Wendy still had Tyrese on the mind. She had apparently caught up with him between segments...

    ...who revealed that Wendy's ex had effectively "banned" him from the show.

    She then gave this look to the camera...

    ...and started speaking directly to her ex, Kevin Hunter.

    She then demanded some "new rules" for the Wendy staff.

    A bit later, Wendy apologized to the woman who was there for taking the time away from her beauty segment — but not before another jab at her ex. She started explaining to her, "He thought we were flirting, get out of here with that! Who were YOU flirting with?"

    And then made a physical reference to the baby her cheating ex had with another woman.

    Now, avid Wendy watchers will note that this is the first time Wendy has said something directly to her ex on the show since she returned to air after the cheating scandal broke.

    And it's also not the only guest that Wendy's husband had apparently banned from the show.

    Back on @WendyWilliams tomorrow for the first time in SIX YEARS! Cannot wait!!

    When the split was announced, Andy Cohen said that he sent a letter to Wendy letting her know he was "rooting for" Wendy. It said, "Your husband was not my biggest fan. But I want you to know, I’ve been cheering you on for the last six years." Since then, they've both appeared on each other's shows.

    But back to the end of yesterday's show. Wendy came out to say her goodbyes and said that she was "still distracted" by the day's revelations.

    She invited Tyrese back to the show any time, and made sure to sign off right as the credits flashed where it used to both say her name and her husband's as executive producers:

    And she finished it off by saying her everyday closing line with a slight addition: "I love you for watching and I'll see you next time on JUST Wendy."

    Advantage: Wendy Williams. Please keep serving us this tea forever!