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Tonga's Oiled-Up Flag-Bearer Returned For The Winter Olympics

Pita Taufatofua is back and he's shirtless once again.

You might recall that during the 2016 Olympic parade of nations, there was a major stand-out from the nation of Tonga.

That would be their oiled-up flag-bearer, Pita Taufatofua.

AKA the "hot, oiled-up guy from Tonga." REMEMBER?

Well, do I have some good news for you!

Pita is back for this year's Pyeongchang games after qualifying as a cross-country skier.

You might be thinking, "but Tonga doesn't have snow!" and you'd be right — Pita actually taught himself how to ski with roller blades in his home country before hitting the actual snow slopes.

And I'm happy to report that this year — despite the freezing cold in Pyeongchang — Pita has arrived at the opening ceremony.

And, yeah, he's shirtless.

Look at him dancing like he doesn't even notice that everyone around him is in snowsuits, gloves, and a hat!

Like, I hope the oil on his chest creates a protective barrier that'll him to not get sick from the exposure to the elements?!?!

So thank you, Pita, for sacrificing your good health for the world's viewing pleasure!

Please come back for all of the Olympics, forever and always amen.

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