17 Plot Twists That Were So Disappointing They Kind Of Ruined The Whole Thing

    Get ready to face disappointment, like only a parent can.

    We’ve all been there – hooked on a TV show desperately hoping it won’t end, or watching a movie and anticipating the final act. Then the plot twist comes in. Sometimes it works and it's the most satisfying thing ever, and other times it’s so disappointing you feel like you’ve actually just been slapped. Let's look through some of those painfully disappointing moments, because boy, there's a few and I'd like to talk about them please...

    🚨 Warning – Obviously, big spoilers ahead!🚨

    1. Game of Thrones: When Daenerys did a full 180 and burned King’s Landing.

    2. X-Men Origins: Wolverine: The moment when Deadpool came back as Weapon XI.

    3. Old: Finding out the resort was just a front for a research team and then having even more questions unanswered.

    4. The Prestige: When cloning was just introduced and it didn’t really make sense in the film.

    5. Now You See Me: FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes wasn’t chasing the other magicians, but was actually in charge the whole time.

    6. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: When we found out that Rey was a Palpatine.

    7. Hancock: Out of nowhere, Mary reveals she has powers and is over three thousand years old.

    8. Game of Thrones: Bran becomes the King of Westeros.

    9. Serenity: The whole movie took place inside a computer game.

    10. Glass: When we found out Dr. Staple was actually part of an evil organisation that has spent years killing metahumans. Oh, and David died in a puddle. Enough said.

    11. The Walking Dead: We all thought Rick had died but he survived.

    12. How I Met Your Mother: When you found out that Ted’s wife had already died.

    13. Planet of the Apes: Captain Davidson travels back in time and finds the Lincoln Memorial has been replaced by a statue of General Thade.

    14. Line of Duty: When H was revealed to be Ian Buckells. Underwhelming in every way.

    15. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Aliens.

    16. Iron Man 3: The Mandarin was ridiculously revealed to be an actor.

    17. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2: When the final battle turned out to be a vision, sort of like a primary school creative writing contest.

    Do you agree with my list? What plot twists did you find super disappointing? Let me know in the comments!