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15 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Moved In With My Boyfriend

Welcome to Cohabitation 101, class.

1. Bottling up personal issues is a recipe for disaster.

2. Like it or not, money comes up a lot.

3. They are going to find out that you poop.

4. You should keep going on dates (even though you'll never want to leave the house).

5. You'll probably still say "my room" — and that's normal.

6. You might have different ideas of what "clean" means.

7. Speaking of which, it's worth it to actually come up with a system for dividing the chores.

8. But don't expect everything to be 50/50 all the time, because that's not going to happen.

9. You're going to discover pet peeves you never even knew you had (fun!), so be honest when they come up.

10. If you thought y'all were weird before, JUST WAIT.

11. Memorize each other's schedules so you don't fight for the bathroom or think they died.

12. Make sure you still get some alone time so you don't completely lose your mind.

13. And don't stop doing the things that make you you.

14. People might pressure you into getting married, KAREN, but don't listen to 'em.

15. And you'll love calling your place "home."