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What's The Best Comics Reference In The Marvel Cinematic Universe?

I'm convinced every number in the MCU is secretly a reference to an issue number.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has really taken off, but it all started with the comic books. And sometimes MCU creators honor the comics in really subtle and creative ways.

A group of young boys reading Captain America comics

So I want to know your favorite comic reference in the MCU that a casual fan might have missed.

Tony Stark lowering his sunglasses inquisitively

Like maybe you noticed that Cindy from Spider-Man: Homecoming is actually Cindy Moon, who in the comics gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes Silk.

Cindy Moon in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Silk issue 1

Perhaps you had to explain to all your friends that the wine Wanda pours in WandaVision is named "Maison Du Mépris," which is French for "House of Contempt," because it's a reference to the House of M comics.

A wine in WandaVision labeled "Maison du Mépris"

Or maybe you heard Sharon quote Peggy Carter in Captain America: Civil War and immediately realized that it was adapted from Steve Rogers' famous speech about the comic's Civil War in Amazing Spider-Man #537.

Sharon Carter saying, "Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right, even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say, 'No, you move'"

Comment below with all your favorite comic references in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! The best responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.