15 Hilarious Times John Oliver Mocked Canada And Was Not Wrong

    Because he can make a joke, and Canadians can take a joke.

    1. When he called the senate audit scandal "more Canadian than if public money was used to get Drake to drink maple syrup on Niagara Falls":

    2. When he summed up our exports pretty accurately:

    3. And this potential travel brochure tagline for us:

    4. Or this depressingly more accurate one:

    5. Meanwhile, what "Mexico" probably means to Americans:

    6. When he reminded us we "once genuinely adopted the slogan 'technically beautiful'" to describe Ottawa:

    7. And wherein he created a PSA for the 1-in-5 Ottawans who are on Ashley Madison cheating on their spouses around the city:

    8. Reminding those cheaters what Ottawa is truly about:

    When he had hilariously ice cold takes (get it? Sorry) on our last election, like:

    9. The hype we created around a 78-day election:

    10. Or how most of us casually forgot Trudeau once showed a French interviewer how to fall down a flight of stairs as a party trick:

    11. Or, how Harper's band name is "Van Cats," a groan-worthy play on the French word for "24" ...as in 24 Sussex Drive:

    12. And o'm'gawd the candidate's Peegate scandal — remember that?:

    13. But best of all: When Oliver featured Ishaq challenging Harper's ban of the niqab, and provided this extra rational logic:

    14. ...Before mocking Harper's performance of "Sweet Caroline" (remember that?!) by doing it himself “in the most Canadian way possible.”

    And bringing in Mike Myers, "one of Canada's finest sons." All to tell everyone not to vote for Harper.

    15. And finally, when he labeled — with such precision — the different looks from the historic archives of Trudeau's terrible aesthetic decisions: