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What Will 2016 Look Like For Your Favorite Celebs?

Two astrologers predict the future for Drake, Kanye, Justin Bieber and more.

This year has been pretty insane for many celebs: career changes, babies, new albums, and apology tours.

Luckily, Helen Grossman and Aliza Kelly Faragher — the ladies behind the astrology dating app Align — were kind enough to give us a glimpse of what 2016 will look like for some of our favorite celebs.

Capricorn: Zayn Malik

BORN: January 12, 1993

THE YEAR AHEAD: Like any good Capricorn, Zayn hates bullshit. Though he broke many hearts in his choice to leave One Direction in 2015, Zayn was gearing up for what will be a very powerful different direction. 2016 is going to be slow and steady year for Zayn, as he preps for what will ultimately be bold choices regarding his career. Stable, ongoing success is everything for this earth sign babe, and although love interests will come in and out of his life throughout the year, his eyes are on the prize. Zayn wants stability, structure, and ultimately, respect. Watch out for some major upheavals on June 17 and September 10 as Saturn squares Neptune: Zayn will call some things into question and get very real. Next year this time, however, look out for a new bad boy mogul on the scene. Zayn’s comeback will be next level.

Aquarius: Harry Styles

BORN: February 1, 1994

THE YEAR AHEAD: As an Aquarius, Harry Styles doesn’t conform to people’s expectations of what a pop star should be. He’s an independent thinker, a funky dresser, and has hair that (against your better judgment) makes you feel some type of way. Because Aquarians have an “I do what I want” mentality, when Harry says One Direction is taking a break in March, he means it. Interesting that this “break” happens to coincide with a Solar Eclipse on March 8, which signifies doors opening and closing around Pisces themes of endings, rest, and creativity. Could this mean that when the One Door-ection (ugh sorry) closes “temporarily” another one opens for Harry? The end of this chapter could spell newfound inspiration and independent creation for this Aquarian. He will have the urge at this time to spend a lot of money on new houses and other material possessions. But he should be sure to watch his spending as he enjoys his break: at the end of 2016, Jupiter, the planet of luck and gifts, opposes Aquarius’ ruling planet Uranus, and sudden changes may surprise him.

Pisces: Justin Bieber

BORN: March 1, 1994

THE YEAR AHEAD: If 2015 pushed your Beliebing over the edge, get ready for a next level 2016. Pisces’ ruling planet, Neptune, has been transiting through its home sign for the first - and last - time of Bieber’s life. Spiritual awakenings and major changes are taking place, as Bieber evolves into what he sees as his true calling. He’ll continue to come into his own: in love and romance, in his body (like those Calvin ads need to get any better), and in his art. Intense, we know. But it gets even more real in 2016 with two eclipses in his sign, a solar eclipse on March 8 and a lunar eclipse on September 16. The March eclipse may find Bieber heightening his romance (with Kourtney? or Selena?), as he feels a nearly psychic spiritual connection with the lady he loves. September will also be a big month for Bieber, with Saturn squaring Neptune on the 10th, forcing him to quit his dreamy idealism for a hot sec and get real with his choices, and then on the 16th with a lunar eclipse. The eclipse on the 16th will complete what March’s eclipse began. 2015 was about Bieber professionally redeeming himself, and 2016 will be his love life taking center stage.

Aries: Lady Gaga

BORN: March 28, 1986

THE YEAR AHEAD: Lady Gaga is a perfect Aries because she’s all about #winning (literally “The Fame”). You may have noticed, however, that our fave Mother Monster has recently been turning a more critical eye towards the music industry, and is exploring her ~darker~ side on this season of AHS. This, my cosmic friends, is just the beginning. As Mars (the ruling planet of Aries) goes retrograde in Sagittarius (associated with philosophy) and Scorpio (associated with mystery) this year, Gaga is going to keep exploring themes surrounding the occult and transformations. We can expect this to come into fruition throughout the spring (between April 17 - June 29, to be precise), as Lady Gaga’s perception in the public eye will likely be veiled in unknowns. Will she get married to that v handsome actor? Will she get v into witchcraft? Will she go on an extended journey to some v far off place? Possibly all of the above. Lady Gaga is known for reinventing herself, but in 2016, we can count on some metamorphoses like we’ve never seen before.

Taurus: Adele

BORN: May 5, 1988

THE YEAR AHEAD: Adele came back like “hey what’s up HELLO,” and we’re happy she did. No doubt 2015 was a lucrative and exciting year for this Taurus from across the pond, but Adele may be singing a different tune in 2016. At the end of April, Adele may receive some questionable news regarding material goods and cash. This period should only last about a month (April 28 - May 22, to be precise), so while we’re not predicting any drastic changes to Adele’s fortune, perhaps an unsuccessful single or risky property investment will prompt Adele to review her assets. Through this experience, Adele will learn that in 2016, the key to happiness is not material wealth, but devotion for her son, Angelo. With Jupiter in the fifth house, Adele is going to continue to build and strengthen her relationship with her son, and will ultimately find that bond to more fulfilling than fame, fortune, or her flip phone.

Gemini: Kanye West

BORN: June 8, 1977

THE YEAR AHEAD: No doubt Kanye will be stealing every mic imaginable this year, and we’re definitely going to let him finish. Yeezus will rise again in 2016, as Mercury (the ruling planet of Gemini) is running rampant surrounding themes of cash, routine, and career. With major retrogrades upcoming (January, May, September, and December), Kanye is going to be oscillating between huge successes and monumental failures, and he will be sure to let everyone know about his experiences along the way. Uranus hovers over Kanye’s sector of hopes and dreams, creating a disparity between what Mr. West wants to achieve and his present realities. Kanye will dream very big in 2016, but how his aspirations manifest may lead to some serious discomfort for the Wests. Stoic Saturn impacts Kanye’s home life, which encourages him to take his responsibilities as a new father even more seriously, especially in the midst of looming emotional roller coasters.

Cancer: Ariana Grande

BORN: June 26, 1993

2015 is ending with a lot of speculation about Ariana Grande: Who dis secret boyfriend of hers? Will she ditch the ponytail for good? Cancers are notoriously guarded, especially when it comes to their closest relationships. 2016 will be a year of exploring this new partnership for Ariana, as the March 23 Lunar eclipse in her fourth house of the home and family shines a light on the very partnerships she’s been working so hard to protect and forces her to see things clearly. This eclipse is in Libra, the sign of partnership and of balance, will be especially intense for Ariana, as her moon sign is also Libra. Expect to learn a lot more about Ariana’s relationships next year, whether relating to a family member or to her mysterious boyfriend. This could be a year that sugar-sweet princess Ariana comes into her own, much like her child-star predecessors Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus have done before her.

Leo: Jennifer Lawrence

BORN: August 15, 1990

THE YEAR AHEAD: Fame and recognition are important to most Leos, and Jennifer Lawrence has taken to using hers for good recently. In the last few months, JLaw has been wonderfully outspoken recently about pay inequity in Hollywood, and duh, there’s an astrological reason for that. In September 2015, Jupiter moved into hardworking Virgo in her second house of money after it traveled through her own Leo (fame, creativity, spontaneity). With Jupiter in Virgo until September of 2016, our favorite lioness will continue to spearhead this economic movement for equal pay in Hollywood. She’s a natural leader and a great charmer, as Leos tend to be, and the accomplishments she’s worked so hard to achieve for the past few years will yield great reward for her and for the cause she stands for. We don’t hear a lot about JLaw’s love life, but this year she may experience a new intimacy as two eclipses in dreamy, romantic Pisces hit heart-on-her-sleeve Leo hard.

Virgo: Beyoncé

BORN: September 4, 1981

THE YEAR AHEAD: Is anything more important to Bey than her physical health? She’s living a “Kale Yeah” lifestyle: veganism and the most intense workouts imaginable for hours on end every day. But that’s her thing, and we all love her for it. Virgos thrive on routine, and Bey pretty much embodies that structured lifestyle necessary to have perfect thighs and the most Top 5 hits of this decade. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, meaning that when Mercury goes into its dreaded retrograde, Virgo usually feels it a littttle bit harder than everyone else (not that they’d ever come right out and admit that). So this year, things may get a little tough for our Queen as Mercury goes retrograde in her sign, from August 30 - September 22. FML x 2. This retrograde, themes around schedules and wellness will come up, emphasized in communication, technological, and travel mishaps. We would never wish any harm on Beyonce, Queen of all Virgos and of all people everywhere, but we may see a tabloid shot of her eating cheese or some other crime of that nonvegan nature.

Libra: Kim Kardashian

BORN: October 21, 1980

THE YEAR AHEAD: 2016 is a major year for our favorite new mommy, Kim Kardashian. With Saint and North in hand, Kim’s year is about themes of career and personal recognition (as if she needs more of that, but whatever, the stars want what they want). Kim’s moon sign is Pisces (so is Kanye’s! #aligned), and this year we have a Solar Eclipse in Pisces (Mar 8) and a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sept 16), illuminating issues surrounding employment, career, and work in Kim’s life. With Mars, the planet of action all over the place this year, Kim may be reminded of projects she’s left behind or never started, and she may be compelled to revisit them. Perhaps another app? A clothing line? In September, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Libra, so all of the work Kim does in early 2016 will be recognized in full, and partnerships and professional collaborations will prove to be especially fruitful.

Scorpio: Drake

BORN: October 24, 1986

THE YEAR AHEAD: No one is surprised that Drake killed it in 2015: he battled Meek Mill (and obviously won), he warmed everyone’s hearts with Hotline Bling, he smooched Serena Williams, and he opened the first US OVO store just recently. That’s Scorpio’s vibe: working tirelessly to achieve the most power, and bringing down enemies along the way. Scary! Or sexy, depending on how you look at it. 2015 robbed Drake of something really important to him: his first #1 song on the Billboard 100 list. In 2016, Drake will do whatever it takes to achieve what he once called “the biggest accomplishment of my career to date.” The planets are on his side, too. With Saturn in Sagittarius, Drake will achieve a new level of wealth, which is all good except that it’s not the entirety of what he really wants. This year is about answers, and Saturn in Sagittarius allows for Drake to take everything he’s learned in the past two years (when Saturn was in his sign of Scorpio) and really make us of it for success. Fiery action-oriented Mars, Scorpio’s ruling planet, will be retrograde from April 17-June 29, and Drizzy will create something totally outside the box and continue to surprise us as he climbs to the top, for real this time.

Sagittarius: Nicki Minaj

BORN: December 8, 1982

THE YEAR AHEAD: Some of our very favorite things about Sagittariuses is that they love adventures, and have major cojones. Queen Sagittarius Nicki Minaj is going to be in for quite the ride this year, as Jupiter (Sag’s ruling planet) flies across the charts. The first few months of 2016 will pose challenges as retrogrades lead Nicki to question choices, think about right and wrong, and reconsider current relationships (cough Meek Mill cough). Things turn around March 16, however, when Jupiter snaps back and creates a powerful influence that will expand Nicki’s horizons. 2016 is going to be a time for Nicki to get back in touch with Nicki; she spent most of 2015 worrying about others, but this is going to be her year for personal growth. Don’t be surprised if by the end of 2016 Nicki is releasing an autobiographical work… it’s time to hear her side of the story.

Happy New Year, ya'll!

Helen Grossman and Aliza Kelly Faragher (both Leos) are the founders of Align, a free iOS matchmaking app that offers a personalized approach to dating in the digital age. Powered by astrological knowledge and a modern interface, Align offers millennials an alternative to traditional dating apps focused on connections based in outward facing interests and taglines. Launched in 2015 in Los Angeles, Align is now available in New York City and San Francisco, and as a free download in the Apple App Store. Downloaded Align and looking to rep your sign to the fullest? Peep their latest collab with DEERDANA.