• Please Just Vote badge

Please Just Vote

Seriously. Just do it.

Hey, YOU. We're not sure if you've heard, but there's a pretty big election happening in the United States on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020...

So today, we've got a very important message for you: If you're 18 years or older and an eligible US voter, PLEASE JUST VOTE.

Think your vote doesn't matter? Consider this: The outcome of the presidential race in 2016 came down to the votes of just 79,646 people. That means that everyone who decided our president four years ago could fit inside MetLife Stadium.

Your vote COUNTS. And with so many important issues at stake this year — racial justice, women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, healthcare, the environment, student loan debt, and our government's response to COVID-19, just to name a few — your vote matters now more than ever.

A Black Lives Matter protest

And here's the good news: There are so many ways to cast your ballot this year. It literally couldn't be easier to make your voice heard! You can skip all the lines and vote by mail...

Or, in many states, you can vote early at a dedicated location, like your city or town hall...

And, of course, you could vote at the polls on Election Day — equipped with a face mask and plenty of hand sanitizer, of course.

So, however you want to make your voice heard this year, PLEASE JUST VOTE!

Did you know that registering takes just a few minutes? Fill out the form below to GET 👏 IT 👏 DONE 👏, and check out And Still I Vote for more resources on becoming a voter.