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Adam Sandler Reacted To His Oscar Snub In The Most Adam Sandler Way Possible

"Good news: Sandman can stop wearing suits."

Yesterday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts announced the nominees for the 92nd Annual Academy Awards.

And while there were many well-deserved nominations, there were also some definite snubs — from J.Lo's supporting role in Hustlers, to Awkwafina's Golden Globe-winning turn in The Farewell, to Greta Gerwig's directorial work in Little Women.

And for some, there was another surprising snub this year: Adam Sandler.

Many folks predicted that Adam would snag his first-ever Oscar nomination — and maybe even a win — for his leading role in Uncut Gems. Sadly, he didn't get the nod, and Uncut Gems was left out of the nominations entirely.

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Well, Adam responded to the bummer news on Twitter, and he did it in the MOST Adam Sandler way possible.

Bad news: Sandman gets no love from the Academy. Good news: Sandman can stop wearing suits. Congrats to all my friends who got nominated, especially Mama.

"Bad news: Sandman gets no love from the Academy," he wrote to his fans, adding: "Good news: Sandman can stop wearing suits."

He also took the opportunity to congratulate Kathy Bates, who played his mother in the 1998 comedy The Waterboy, for her Best Supporting Actress nomination for Richard Jewell.

Kathy Bates replied as her Waterboy character, telling Sandler, "You was robbed!! But Mama loves you!!!"

I love you my Bobby Boucher!!! You was robbed!! But Mama loves you!!! I learned a new urban slang word for you! You da GOAT!! Not the one we eat at home, Son. ❤️😎🐐 https://t.co/2KDbfUjIXR

Adam also got some love from some famous fans, including Lil Nas X:

@AdamSandler we still love u

And Ben Stiller:

@AdamSandler @MsKathyBates Sandman deserves all the love. Brilliant performance.

And Jenna Fischer:

@AdamSandler @MsKathyBates I loved Uncut Gems. You and all of the performances, the writing, directing, camera, sound design and sound editing. Loved this movie.

So what will Adam Sandler do now that he's not tied up in an Oscar campaign? According to him, he's going to make the worst movie possible as revenge.

Back in December, in an interview with Howard Stern, he was asked what he would do if he's snubbed by the Academy.

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"If I don't get it, I'm going to fucking come back and do [a movie] again that is so bad on purpose just to make you all pay," he joked. "That's how I get them."

You can check out the full list of Oscar nominations here.