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17 Times TV Shows Crossed The Line And Went Too Freaking Far

Ghost sex in Grey's Anatomy, Deb in the final season of Dexter, and THAT pig scene in Black Mirror...no thanks!!!!

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us a time TV shows crossed the line and took things just a littttttle too far. Here are the wild results.

Note: Some submissions include topics of sexual assault.

1. In Grey's Anatomy, when Izzie hallucinated her dead fiancé, Denny, and then had ghost sex with him.

Izzie and Denny making out, even though Denny is a literal ghost?????

2. In Black Mirror, when the prime minister was blackmailed into having sex with a live pig on national television for the entire country to watch.

The prime minister walking closer to the pig in a TV studio

3. In Riverdale, when Betty was a minor and performed a striptease in front of her mom, boyfriend's dad, and a bunch of strangers in a crowded bar while singing "Mad World."

Betty performing at the bar

4. In 13 Reasons Why, when Justin Foley had the greatest character arc ever, but then they randomly gave him AIDS and killed him off.

Clay holding Justin's lifeless hand in the hospital

5. In Shameless, when Veronica couldn't get pregnant, so she talked her mom into having sex with her and her boyfriend, which turned into a routine occurrence.

Veronica and Kevin in bed together

6. Also in Shameless, when the writers randomly made Fiona leave cocaine on the kitchen counter, and Liam — a legit baby — got ahold of it.

Fiona reacting to an unconscious Liam

7. In Skins, when Freddie was trapped by Effy's psychiatrist and beaten to death with a baseball bat.

Effy's psychiatrist attacking Freddie with a baseball bat

8. In Stranger Things, when Eleven randomly tracked down her "sister" and went on a vengeful mission to kill a bunch of people who worked at the Hawkins Lab.

Eleven with slicked-back hair and dark eye shadow

9. In Boy Meets World, when they randomly painted Shawn as a loner and made him join a cult for exactly one episode.

Cory hugs Shawn, who tells him to let him go; Cory goes on to explain what a hug is and how you do it when you care about somebody

10. In Friends, when Monica found out that her brother, Ross, was her first kiss...and only because Ross thought she was actually a drunk, passed-out Rachel.

Ross and Monica in their apartment

11. Also in Friends, when Ross was super attracted to his literal cousin and tried to make out with her.

Ross trying to kiss his cousin on the couch

12. In Dexter, when they ruined Deb's entire character by getting rid of her morals, making her addicted to pills, and then having her become sexually attracted to her adoptive brother.

Deb confessing her feelings for Dexter outside his house

13. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Spike wrestled Buffy to the ground and sexually assaulted her in the bathroom.

Spike wrestling Buffy to the ground next to the bathtub

14. In Scrubs, when Turk secretly slipped birth control into Carla's mouth while she slept.

Turk in bed with Carla

15. In New Girl, when Jess and Robby developed feelings and even started dating, but then they realized they're actually cousins.

Jess and Robbie in a cave

16. In Game of Thrones, when Margaery seduced Tommen — a literal child — and then they got married and the show immediately cut to the two of them having sex.

Margaery seducing Tommen in his bed

17. And in Glee, literally every single time Mr. Schue did anything.

Mr. Schue dancing sexily to 'Toxic'

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.