33 "Family Feud" Answers That Are So Dumb, You Have To Laugh

    Oh my god...

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which Family Feud answers always make them laugh. Here are the hilarious results.

    1. This interesting order:

    2. This double high-five:


    4. This really talented rabbit:

    5. This utter calamity:

    6. These very smart men who refused to give answers:

    7. This extremely literal interpretation:

    8. This technically correct answer:

    9. This hilarious reply:

    10. This jaw-dropping response:

    11. This guy who probably doesn't read much:

    12. This guy who definitely misheard the question:

    13. This adorable (but still wrong) response:

    14. This cute comeback:

    15. This scientific answer:

    16. This doctor who deserves a raise:

    17. This?????

    18. This unfortunate reply:

    19. This apocalyptic answer:

    20. This orange fruit:

    21. This descriptive result:

    22. Snoop Dogg:

    23. This terrifying animal:

    24. This guy who doesn't know what mammals are:

    25. This guy who definitely took things too far:

    26. This singular body part:

    27. Laura:

    28. This woman who stuck her foot in her mouth:

    29. This guy who doesn't know what letters are:

    30. This famous British meal:

    31. I honestly don't know what's going on here:

    32. This guy who should go back to elementary school:

    33. And these men who just want to watch the world burn: