26 Foods That Will Give You Intense Elementary School Flashbacks

    Ah, the memories.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which foods bring them back to their childhood. Here are the nostalgic results.

    1. These edible witch fingernails:

    2. A brownie that was totally out of this world:

    3. An unnecessary reminder that ketchup should only come in one color:

    4. The tastiest three seconds of your life:

    5. Your finest piece of jewelry:

    6. The ultimate DIY school lunch:

    7. This colorful yogurt that was ~just~ for kids:

    8. The breakfast that turned you into a paleontologist:

    9. A snack that should have turned your head into a giant fruit:

    10. The only push-up you ever liked doing:

    11. The tastiest form of measurement:

    12. This overly complicated and sugary pacifier:

    13. A frosting + cookie combo that was a total slam dunk:

    14. These buttons that peeled off more paper than actual candy:

    15. This school lunch side dish that always put a smile on your face:

    16. Your very first tattoo:

    17. These fruit snacks that made you a true detective:

    18. A truly wonderful ball of chocolate:

    19. A questionable canned lunch, featuring meatballs or hot dogs:

    20. Whatever the heck this thing was:

    21. The least flavorful gum ever:

    22. Doritos in their truest form:

    23. The most delicious rectangle you've ever eaten:

    24. A drink that was more squeezable than your Beanie Babies:

    25. Ice cream that made you feel like an astronaut:

    26. And, of course, the ultimate cheese and crackers spread:

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